Anyone caught with their pants down?


Yellow Belt
I have done so.....when I was in a public toilets....I thought I had locked the door behind me....but the lock was faulty......yep you guessed it, someone behind me opened the door and I had just dropped my pants................I was SOOOOOOOO embarrassed......luckily I neer had to meet the same person ever again.............I made sure I walked out the loo with my head down and not make eye contact. lol.
Oh, that was you!! I've wondered for years who had that harry butt :) lol

I was caught once, it was my own fault. I was mooning my wife and her mother turned the corner and saw me in my birthday butt. Fortunetly she tought it was funny :D yeah yeah, i was the but of many jokes for many months.
I had a different experience at a public toilet. It was actually at a rest stop.

I used to deliver live sea creatures to various restaurants around the state. One particular day my tummy was very upset so I hurriedly pulled into a rest stop and ran into the restroom and just made it to the commode. I will skip some details right here, but as I was about to leave the stall I heard what sounded like a woman clearing her voice. I thought it was really strange. Anyway as I stood up I peeked over the stall wall and standing at the mirror was a woman. Her position and the mirror were such that we made eye contact via the mirror and I quickly ducked. I thought that it was very strange and freaked out a little (I was still in high school at the time). I wait and listen for the door to close before I washed my hands and got out of there. On my way out of the restroom I looked over at the other restroom door and on it was a sign that said 'MEN'. OH CRAP! I was the one in the wrong frickin' restroom. As I opened the glass exterior door inward to leave, I noticed that the frame of the exterior door covers the 'WO' part of the 'WOMEN' sign.

Oh yeah, and it finally hit me what the vending machine in the stall that took quarters was for too. Not to mention how much more that woman was probably freaked out than I.
One evening after having a drink or thirteen I decided I needed to make room for another few. A friend of mine had left our table a few minutes before to tend to the same business and so when I stumbl... walked into the restroom the first thing that struck me was that those rotten buggers had removed the urinals during the recent remodel. Not only that but they painted the walls a really fruity looking pinkish color. Well I grabbed the empty stall and started to ***** about the remodel job to my friend who was still in there, after all I diidn't pass him on the way in right? I went back out to the table and lo and behold there he sat, even though I knew he didn't leave his stall before me. When I commented about the color and the fricking flower border around the stall, everybody else was dying in their seats and about beat each other to have the honors to explain to my drunk butt I had used the womens room. Can't say I have ever been back in that place sense. I would have given money to see the faces of who ever was in the other stalls though.
a friend of mine works at walmart as a janitor so one day he was cleaning the womans bathroom he had a sign that said the bathroom was closed and all. well this woman came running into the batroom and pulled her pants down just as he turned the corner she screamed and started to hit him with her purse.
Oh, that was you!! I've wondered for years who had that harry butt :) lol

I was caught once, it was my own fault. I was mooning my wife and her mother turned the corner and saw me in my birthday butt. Fortunetly she tought it was funny :D yeah yeah, i was the but of many jokes for many months.

Lol, Im liking some of the stories here....they are really funny and brightened up my day.....................your story is quite embarrasing as it was with a member of the will never forget the stituation or maybe not be allowed do you see her in the eye, lol.
I have a major phobia about ending up in the wrong latrine, and it goes back to when I was very young and in pre-school. I recall that there were a number of children that attended, at least 30, and we all had to line up for bathroom time. So, there we are, lined up and ready to go, and an acquaintance of mine is pushing me toward the female restroom. He pushed me hard enough that I actually ended up in the doorway of the girls' room. I recall that one of the 'supervisor' type people caught me standing there and asked "oh, do you prefer going in the girls' room?" Embarrased, I responded with something that the MT filter would apply to, and thus had my mouth washed out with soap. So, I have a real fear of the women's latrine.
I have a major phobia about ending up in the wrong latrine, and it goes back to when I was very young and in pre-school. I recall that there were a number of children that attended, at least 30, and we all had to line up for bathroom time. So, there we are, lined up and ready to go, and an acquaintance of mine is pushing me toward the female restroom. He pushed me hard enough that I actually ended up in the doorway of the girls' room. I recall that one of the 'supervisor' type people caught me standing there and asked "oh, do you prefer going in the girls' room?" Embarrased, I responded with something that the MT filter would apply to, and thus had my mouth washed out with soap. So, I have a real fear of the women's latrine.

That is rather funny............I wouldnt be best pleased with the person who pushed you into the corridor, lol.
i used to change in my office. as my studio has grown busier and busier, i've had to switch to changing elsewhere. too many people wandering in to chat without notice.
A few years ago I was at a local gym doing dead lifts. Somehow my windpants got caught on my lifting belt so when I went down with the weight the tension in my pants increased past what the buttocks portion could handle. Anyway, my pants tore a nice big hole so that all I could hear was the ripping sound and than the laughter of my peers. Of course the gym owner was hardcore so he expected me to keep going untill the set was complete. It did'nt happen as I could not stop laughing either.
Yep, In front of a whole gym!!!
Two things relating to restrooms...

First time I was just a tadpole at the Hancock Desert Science Field Station. The bus dropped us off at the Greyhound station in Portland. It had been a several hour bus ride, and I had to see a man about some livestock. Walked into the restroom with a bandana in my back pocket. There was a little bit of a quid pro quo there between yours truly and a, hmm, recreational Greyhound Bus Station frequenter. What can I say? I was young and had led a sheltered life.

The second time was an exercise that my first Silat teacher did. I was in a restroom stall, sitting down. He kicked open the door and I had to fight with my pants around my ankles in an enclosed space.
The second time was an exercise that my first Silat teacher did. I was in a restroom stall, sitting down. He kicked open the door and I had to fight with my pants around my ankles in an enclosed space.

Now that is quite an experience! I don't think most of us would be ready for an attack like that.

- Ceicei
It was ... interesting. It was also very instructive and closer to reality than most self defense scenarios. He also made sure everyone was wearing shorts under their pants :)
Two things relating to restrooms...

First time I was just a tadpole at the Hancock Desert Science Field Station. The bus dropped us off at the Greyhound station in Portland. It had been a several hour bus ride, and I had to see a man about some livestock. Walked into the restroom with a bandana in my back pocket. There was a little bit of a quid pro quo there between yours truly and a, hmm, recreational Greyhound Bus Station frequenter. What can I say? I was young and had led a sheltered life.

The second time was an exercise that my first Silat teacher did. I was in a restroom stall, sitting down. He kicked open the door and I had to fight with my pants around my ankles in an enclosed space.

Lol, that is so funny................Imagine a scenario like that taking place, talk about feeling uncomfrotable......................I would probably totally die with embarrasment.....mind you if you can deal with that scenario then you will always be prepared for everything.

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