any truly sweet moments in your training?

martial sparrer

Orange Belt
so I have been practicing a bent-body spinning high heel kick.....and I have been training this kick since December 2012....and this week with my sparring partner I really nailed head and body spun around quick enough....I hit through instead of slapping the target.....and the power that went through the bob punching bag was just amazing! my partner and I were really in awe of how devastating this kick could be.....this was one of a few times I really knew I did something special....the only other time was when I was able to fake punch low and connect with a roundhouse to my partners my question is was there a time in your training when you really felt the magic of doing something in martial arts? was it a kick? belt acquisition? thanks
There have been many!! But my Top 3 are as follows: The first time I nailed a target with a sharp, fast and powerful 360 spinning hook kick!! Everything came together and it was incredible!!! 2) I remember - the moment - I found my kihap instead of a came out in drills and it came from deep inside and it was powerful and loud!!:) I was at red belt at the time and when it happened, my instructor was in his office and when he heard it, he came out and said he thought there was a Black Belt in the room!!:) 3) THE sweetest moment of all - so far - is when my 1st Degree Black Belt was tied around my waist for the first time by my Master Instructor!!! Every time, I put on my belt, I think of that day and that moment!!! It's a great feeling!!:)
I had a good one of these a month ago, I was training with one of my good friends who was a high level national college wrestler, trains muay tai, and outweighs me by an easy 60 lbs. he threw an axe kick? i believe it's called? i'm not sure, it begins as an outside crescent kick but instead of continuing the circle it cuts down in a diagonal across the opponent. So the first time he threw it he got me, and it was a suprise because I am not used to this kind of attack. It was big, it moved funny, it sped up as it got closer, anyways, just a weird attack.
So the first time he threw it, it got me. but the second time! I didn't really think about it, my body just reacted, i was able to read the telegraphed movements, jam the kick before it started, and then place my right hand under his left eye. Had I given him any sort of juice, he would have been knocked out clean.

The best moment was while it was happening, that feeling of knowing you know more about whats going to happen then your opponent.... oh man, that's a powerful feeling.
those are some great moments...thanks for sharing! another thing that was sweet for me was being able to kick high at a target period....I have always been extremely un-flexible
I can't really put my finger on any one moment, but there is something special when you're having issues with a technique/training and then finally one day it just clicks.
Nothing all that exiting or spectacular, but they made me happy

1) The first time I got a Yang Taiji punch correct and bent one of the metal brackets on my heavy bag
2) Training Yang Taijiquan outside in the dark, no lights when I had the feeling I was getting it right
3) Doing Old style Shandong province old style Chen and when I was done the palms of my hands felt like they were vibrating
4) When I got to 16 minutes per side standing in Santi Shi, that was a rather amazing and somewhat enlightening feeling
There are a couple that come to mind:
The first time I ever snatched a punch with the kusari fundoout of the air during randori was amazing. I felt like a ninja in the movies.Quite exciting.
There was a time when we were training with bokken andshuriken, and when my partner threw the training shuriken at me I caught itwith the flat of the blade and was able to whip it back at him. It was amazing.IÂ’ve come close numerous times to being able to repeat that feat, but so far IhavenÂ’t been able to do it again.
For me, I really like the sense of achievement I get when I spar a black belt and truly score, not from the openings given. Also, when a from really sticks and becomes memory it brings a smile to my face because I know forms are my weakest link. It's not a physical moment of training for me exactly, but I've learned that for me, a truly sweet moment is when I get an opportunity to help teach the lower gup ranks (I'm only a 3rd gup so it's only an occasional thing), I love seeing forms click with them, possibly because it is nostalgic to me as it reminds me of being at that ranks, but I like to think it's also because I enjoy seeing my fellow students growth and knowing I had a small role in that. On the more mental side of my training I have really enjoyed pondering exactly what Moo Duk Kwan means to me, and how I can grow through it.
His elbow comes up a bit, the side kick goes in, then I think about it. That was cool.
Watching a student do it for the first time and the look on their face...priceless.
my first successful leg kick check, even though I checked it, my shin was in great pain. damn I loved that feeling(not a masochist) I loved it because I felt like I was truly learning
My first leg kick.I was very excited.But unfortunately I get severe backache very next day and go for the complete bed rest and was advised to use the best quality foam mattress for quick recovery.

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