Any TKD Docu-movies like This?


Nov 7, 2007
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Hoop Dreams was one of my favorite movies for a long time. I guess I enjoy sports documentaries. There is an upcoming sport karate documentary called Empty Hand The Real Karate Kids, and I was curious if anyone ever made one about TKD athletes?

Assuming that the foot fist way does not count you should check out an indie movie called Kick In Iran which documents an Iranian girl's struggles and successes in representing her country in the Olympics.
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Sorry I wasn't in a place where I could link to the trailer before. Here it is:

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Assuming that the foot fist way does not count you should check out an indie movie called Kick In Iran which documents an Iranian girl's struggles and successes in representing her country in the Olympics.
yeah , I was going to suggest fist foot way but I didnt think it would really meet the criteria, good for a laugh though.
Assuming that the foot fist way does not count you should check out an indie movie called Kick In Iran which documents an Iranian girl's struggles and successes in representing her country in the Olympics.

Awesome. Thanks for the Vid. Very inspirational.
Hoop Dreams was one of my favorite movies for a long time. I guess I enjoy sports documentaries. There is an upcoming sport karate documentary called Empty Hand The Real Karate Kids, and I was curious if anyone ever made one about TKD athletes?

Yeah, I saw this too. Pretty kool. I was actually inpressed that they were kicking the crap out of each other without headgear on. Karate-old-day style.

All the point sparring stuff I had ever went to was light head contact and lame. I stopped point sparring cause I preferred to Kick the hell out of someone. To bad I didnt find that type of point sparring. Probably would have kept doing both.
Not the same thing as a documentary, but I used to enjoy the show "Human Weapon." Unfortunately, I missed the TKD segment when it originally aired, but I've seen snippets on Youtube.

There was a movie called, "Fighting Black Kings" which followed some NYC Kyokushin fighters as they prepared for a tournament in Japan. It was a great documentary.