I think it is better not to dwell on the past, but there is still a lot of information going around that could get people killed.
That being said...
I have had 2 encounters with a knife, the first one was in the Army, falling in for formation from a Sunday pass one guy in my platoon, who was drunk pulled his bayonett on me and started talking stuff. I can't remember why we had our gear out, but the long and short of it was I hit his knife a few times and then I him in the face with my e-tool (shovel).
The second time I was walking in to the bar where I managed security. Maybe you remember this incident
This is the same place, BTW, that Rich Parsons got his nose broken working for me one night
, fighting skinheads I believe? And it wasn't a rough place at all, it was always transients or non-regulars that caused trouble. Anyway..I walk around the corner to go in the bar, I feel a poke in my side like a punch and this tells me to give him my wallet. He had stabbed me in the side before he asked me for my money. I grabbed his wrist/hand and started punching him in the face, while trying to shake the knife out of his hand with my other hand. Both times I was fixated on the knife.
Looking back, both incidences could have been avoided if I had been more aware of my surroundings.