Any Other RPG Nerds Around?

Hated Diablo 3 when it first came out, but it's really a lot like Diablo 2 now. Just as fun for me. They balanced the classes, eliminated the auction house, tweaked the item drop system and generally made the game more fun.

If you purchased diablo 3, it might be worth dusting off your account and giving it another go.

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Agreed. And with the adjustable difficulty if Torment mode, there's plenty of challenge for anybody.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
My favorite mmorpg of all time was Everquest some 15 years ago.

And have just recently jumped back on it via .

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Well, a quick browse of the websites I found last night reveals that, as I suspected, they haven't been active for a year or more. So my idea could still be one worth executing.
Speaking of "RPG Nerds"....

Back in the mid 90s after I ETS'd from the regular Army and came back home I decided to go back to college and upgrade my Associate's in Science to a Bachelor's degree. I loved working with computers; from my C= 64, to an Amiga 500, then an Amiga 4000 and to be compatible, an IBM PC Clone, so I decided to go for either a CS or CIS degree. One of my classes working towards the degree was AS/400 programming using Report Programming Generator. I was so excited to start my first programming class that when I dialed in to a local BBS that I frequented I decided to share this. Wow! Imagine my surprise when I found a forum on the BBS dedicated to RPG! So I went ahead and shared with my excitement with these other RPG enthusiasts and they...we all had a good laugh at me.
Used to play regularly, starting in the second grade or so with Basic Edition D&D, I think I still have a container with one of those pale blue dice still rattling around somewhere. Maxed out in college with a really well established gaming group, a heavily modded AD&D ruleset mostly a mix of gen 1&2, Cyberbunk, and Shadowrun. Was actually part of a game development group for WOTC for a LARP version of Ars Magica but that went belly up after about 6 months. I spent years on game development for the Incarna system, mostly focusing combat game mechanics, weapon and armors stats, a fantasy world ecosystem, and certain PC race culture and biology. But for the past oh four years I just haven't done much too busy with life and kids.

I will say that the number of students of martial arts that used to be serious gamers is pretty high percentage wise.

I had a friend (John D Lees - Deceased) who worked with various publishers for new gaming products. I was part of his play test group as well as secondary reader and idea bouncer so he could talk things out. He was great at making maps as well as publishing. (* RIP John Lees - Company Questions - HERO Games *)

So I know that working on games can be time consuming with little to no pay back other than enjoyment of the process.

Just an acknowledgement to the level of work it takes to do what you did.
I wish my RPG group in high school had gotten more into Shadowrun. Ever since NEUROMANCER, I have been a super cyberpunk fan.
I've been an RPG'er since the late 70's when Basic D&D came out. Continued playing pencil and paper style until we all got too grown up with work and families to get a group together often enough :(. Now play LOTRO ... a lot! :o.
I've been an RPG'er since the late 70's when Basic D&D came out. Continued playing pencil and paper style until we all got too grown up with work and families to get a group together often enough :(. Now play LOTRO ... a lot! :o.

I'm trying to arrange something for a play by post forum. If that proves to be too much work, then it would be a simple play by email. If you are interested, let me know.
Years ago, played D&D (boxed set) and Advanced D&D. And (I'm surprised not to have seen this one posted yet) Traveller. Got out of it when my friends had trouble with reality testing... and I was facing the real world. Haven't had time or opportunity to do anything in literally decades. Not wowed by any of the RPG on-line/computer games. Too much trouble...
I played Traveller too, JKS :). And Aftermath ... and Iron Crown ... and Space Master ... and Runequest ... :o
One of the things I recall liking about Traveller was that you could have an enjoyable afternoon or evening just creating a character and developing their history "before" you'd even start playing a game with them. Most of the others... Well, once you generated the stock attributes, you were done.
My favorite RPG was a diceless one that my friend came up with on his own called Amnesia. It's just what it sounds like: the adventure would start out with the words, "You wake up." Then you had to find out who you are. So there was no character creation. It kind of happened as you went along. Lots of improvisation, lots of fun. He would often take something you did or said and use that as a way to decide where to go with the adventure.

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