Any Other RPG Nerds Around?


Senior Master
I was just browsing the forum on this webcomic called THE ZOMBIE HUNTERS. One of their forums was called "RPG." It hasn't been posted on in a while, but the idea of the game was that people created characters that populated the ZOMBIE HUNTERS world. While zombies have become the cliche monster of the moment, it struck me as kind of cool to play a zombie apocalypse RPG. Unfortunately, no one has posted on that particular forum since mid-2013. In internet years, that's back in the Ice Age.

A long time ago there was an old school paper and pencil RPG called NINJAS AND SUPERSPIES which, as far as I know, is the only game out there to heavily feature martial arts. But that wasn't the only thing heavy about it: the rules were very cumbersome and annoying...a surefire way to guarantee limited success/popularity.

So, are there any other RPG geeks here? Maybe if there are enough, we could start a thread that was a game. It could be martial arts based...or zombie apocalypse...or martial artists who find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocalypse! LOL
I played D&D from the time of the basic set until Gygax died and the game started changing every week.
I played Diablo from 1.0 and I've got a couple rather decent D3 chars now.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I play and go to Gen Con.

The Zombie Survival Role Playing Game - Outbreak: UNDEAD
The above is a good Zombie RPG.

I play this at Gen Con.

I also play Shadowrun and AD&D. AD&D is a mix of 1st and Second rules.

I also have played Pathfinder, Mage, Changling, Vampire, Traveler, Twilight 2000, Rune Quest, Paranoia, Call of Cthulhu and others.
I play and go to Gen Con.

The Zombie Survival Role Playing Game - Outbreak: UNDEAD
The above is a good Zombie RPG.

I play this at Gen Con.

I also play Shadowrun and AD&D. AD&D is a mix of 1st and Second rules.

I also have played Pathfinder, Mage, Changling, Vampire, Traveler, Twilight 2000, Rune Quest, Paranoia, Call of Cthulhu and others.

Oh, I miss Cthulhu. I tried running a campaign with that ages ago that brought the PC's together as a team of paranormal experts, investigating some cult that was gathering up a series of artifacts for some unknown purpose. It would have been a good one...if people could have gotten together more often.
D&D since the first days of the game (still play when I can find old time gamers)
Diablo II from the time it came out (still play it when my grandson is here)
EQ new to this game but sure whish I had started earlier
I DM at a Pathfinder game on Fridays.

As far as computer RPGs go, I'm currently replaying Baldurs Gate while I await the release of the newest Dragon Age installment.
I am always scouring the internet for PBEM or play by post games. Maybe this is just because I am on a major time constraint, but the results are never that good. It'd be cool if someone started a site where people could come to play just about any game they could think of, even defunct ones like the old, old, OLD school spy game TOP SECRET. Or you could have GM's making up games for things that don't exist yet.
Used to play regularly, starting in the second grade or so with Basic Edition D&D, I think I still have a container with one of those pale blue dice still rattling around somewhere. Maxed out in college with a really well established gaming group, a heavily modded AD&D ruleset mostly a mix of gen 1&2, Cyberbunk, and Shadowrun. Was actually part of a game development group for WOTC for a LARP version of Ars Magica but that went belly up after about 6 months. I spent years on game development for the Incarna system, mostly focusing combat game mechanics, weapon and armors stats, a fantasy world ecosystem, and certain PC race culture and biology. But for the past oh four years I just haven't done much too busy with life and kids.

I will say that the number of students of martial arts that used to be serious gamers is pretty high percentage wise.
Used to play regularly, starting in the second grade or so with Basic Edition D&D, I think I still have a container with one of those pale blue dice still rattling around somewhere. Maxed out in college with a really well established gaming group, a heavily modded AD&D ruleset mostly a mix of gen 1&2, Cyberbunk, and Shadowrun. Was actually part of a game development group for WOTC for a LARP version of Ars Magica but that went belly up after about 6 months. I spent years on game development for the Incarna system, mostly focusing combat game mechanics, weapon and armors stats, a fantasy world ecosystem, and certain PC race culture and biology. But for the past oh four years I just haven't done much too busy with life and kids.

I will say that the number of students of martial arts that used to be serious gamers is pretty high percentage wise.

Yeah same here on the busy part. There was a "play by post" game that I was a part of in 2003 called "This Thing We Do" that was a mafia game. I made up a hitman called the Razor. What you would do is write your posts as if they were short stories. Naturally if these involved other people's characters, you would include them. Sometimes you would also have to run them by the GM's first to see what the effect of what you wanted to do would be. It was fun while it lasted.

I'm kinda digging on the idea I mentioned above though...I'll have to look into setting something like that up!
As a kid, I played D&D/AD&D (got the Basic and Expert sets for my 12th birthday). Also played Gamma World, Boot Hill and Top Secret.

Got into 2nd Edition D&D while in the USAF. Have been in a regular 3rd edition group for years. Not technically 3rd edition anymore. When WotC went to 4th edition, we settled into Pathfinder. I like that system in particular.

I also really enjoy some console RPGs, but stick to single player games like Skyrim or Fallout 3. I tend to like the sandbox games like those more than any MMORPGs.

I have recently gotten back into Diablo 3 a little. I wish it had the humor of Baldur's Gate, but alas, there is no "buttkicking for goodness." Not what I would call an RPG, per se, but it's mindless fun.
Actually I did some quick research on how to start a play by post site that would feature multiple games and saw there were already quite a few out there, so my idea isn't all that unique. :-( However, all game sites are blocked at my job. Since I can't see them, I have no idea how long it's been since any of those pages have been active. We'll see. :-)
Actually I did some quick research on how to start a play by post site that would feature multiple games and saw there were already quite a few out there, so my idea isn't all that unique. :-( However, all game sites are blocked at my job. Since I can't see them, I have no idea how long it's been since any of those pages have been active. We'll see. :-)

How mean of your boss to block game sites!
I miss playing V:tM. Other than that, played Diablo 1-3 (hate 3), Guild Wars 1, and City of Heroes.

Hated Diablo 3 when it first came out, but it's really a lot like Diablo 2 now. Just as fun for me. They balanced the classes, eliminated the auction house, tweaked the item drop system and generally made the game more fun.

If you purchased diablo 3, it might be worth dusting off your account and giving it another go.

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