I personally have not, as I'm not an Officer.
But in the past quite a few of my fellow classmates were in law enforcement, bouncers, personal trainers etc...
But all stated that Wing Chun came in handy on a number of times & were thankful for the training they received.
Wing Chun has a number of advantages when the training is approached realistically, when I say that more emphasis on testing the system.
I've found Sparring to be a great asset for this, get out of your shell & spar with other systems, training methods & get a clearer picture of where you are, what your training is like or what it should include.
I've always felt that Wing Chun can stand alone as an effective means of Self Defence however you have to as with anything go out & get the experience for yourself somethings forms & chi sau can't really help you with.
Just my opinion,