Any Judo schools in the north Austin tx area?


White Belt
I been looking for a judo school in my area( Prefereably north austin-roundrock tx) without much luck. I did find one school that taught bjj and on thier website claimed to also teach Judo but I havent recevied a response back from them yet. Thanks in advance.
Lots of YMCAs have a Judo class, You might also check around local univesities. They may have a class. Even if you have to be a student to join, that`ll give you the name of an instructor. And most instructors for college clubs also teach in thier own clubs.
Well it`s ot Judo, but if you like throwing/grappling arts John Wang teaches Shuai Jiao in Austin.It`s athrowing sytle from Northern China and Mongoli. Like doing Judo in a short-sleeved dogi.

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I been looking for a judo school in my area( Prefereably north austin-roundrock tx) without much luck. I did find one school that taught bjj and on thier website claimed to also teach Judo but I havent recevied a response back from them yet. Thanks in advance.

I would say that most Martial Arts Schools have their website setup as an online business card and that's it. So it's not surprising that you haven't received any answer.

I would try using the phone, works a lot better when contacting Martial Arts Schools.

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