Any hockey fans?

Kensai said:
Yeah, I'm not too enamoured with baseball either. It's called rounders in the UK, and it's considered a "girls game". *blushes* Sorry.

LOL did not know that. I enjoy playing, and I enjoy going to some of the local minor league games, but thats about it. If I want to go to sleep, i'll listen to a game on TV or radio LOL.
My proposed rule changes to make baseball more appealing, less boring, and make the games go faster...

1. Pitcher throws a ball? Take your base.
2. Swing and miss? You're out.
3. Foul ball? You're out.
4. Pitch in the strike zone and NOT swung on? You're out.
5. Pitcher able to hit batter? You're out.
6. Baserunners can have the ball thrown AT them for an out.
7. Move all ballpark fences/walls out to a uniform distance of...oh, let's say...500 feet. Let's see how many cheap homeruns there are then.
8. Change the strike zone back to what it was when we played as kids. Chest to knees.

Oops! Off topic. Uhh....Go Oilers!

I can't watch baseball or any other "ball" sport. Hockey or nothing for this kid. They all just put me right to sleep. Too slow.

It's crunch time now. :jedi1:

Will the Oil dig their heels in to force a Game 6? Will the Canes get to skate the cup on home ice? I can't wait to see the next one. This really has been the best SC finals in a long while. Gear up.:armed:
Paul B said:
I can't watch baseball or any other "ball" sport. Hockey or nothing for this kid. They all just put me right to sleep. Too slow.

It's crunch time now. :jedi1:

Will the Oil dig their heels in to force a Game 6? Will the Canes get to skate the cup on home ice? I can't wait to see the next one. This really has been the best SC finals in a long while. Gear up.:armed:

I think it's pretty much game over for the Oil now. The Canes are just too good. They defend very well, and hit the opposition on the break. Difficult to break down, and when you do? You have Cam Ward to beat. Nah... I think you're looking at the champions in waiting. Well deserved too.

As for ball sports, the only one I like is rugby. If you've never watched it, imagine American football, without the pads, and without the stopping every 10 seconds. Oh and faster. And more brutal. It's AWESOME! For the best exponents of the game, try and catch the New Zealand All Blacks playing... If you've even heard of them. Lol... :asian:
Wow! Not watched the game, but I heard about it. Still think the Canes will finish it in game 6, but hey.

Did ya'll check out the Haka (war dance) by the New Zealand rugby team? Great innit? :)
Yeah, WOW! I started watching just before Caroline tied the score at 3. I really started pulling for the Oilers when I felt the NBC crew was favoring Carolina.

Nice fast action and lots-o-hits.
I can't wait to watch it. I taped the game, as they're on kinda late/early here, so have that to look forward to later!! Think I is in for a treat! ;)
crushing said:
I really started pulling for the Oilers when I felt the NBC crew was favoring Carolina.

Dude, you are smoking crack! With Carolina about to win the cup, I was going to be upset if they did not mention something nice about them this time, but previous games it was almost all in favor of the Oilers. Staal got 2 goals and an assist, and Pierre is asking "Are you running out of gas?" :miffer: I'm not sure I believe this aspect, but my wife commented: "How many American men are named Pierre? He is French Canadian. Of course he wants the Canadian team to win". When Weasly and Aaron Ward got injured, we never even knew when they came back until they were on the ice, but we get commentary about some Oilers player thats off sharpening his skates. Come on...

Was a great game, I think the big difference was the Oilers were just so much more physical. Its a shame to see it end in a sloppy/lazy pass though. Was a great finishing shot, but that turnover should never have happened. I was pleased to see Staal get something other than an assist. Maybe he will be a bit more aggressive in Edmonton on Friday. I sure hope so! I was just drooling about him getting the game winning goal in overtime. A hat trick, game winner, Stanley Cup winner :) Oh well, maybe next time :D
The Mapleleafs would have had both of you!!! GO LEAFS GO! GO LEAFS GO! GO LEAFS GO!...

Ahem... Anyhoo. I think it underlines just how important losing game 4 to the Oilers was. Imagine, the Oilers win that game and last nights, and are now 3-2 up. Hmmm...
I am amazed to see so many Whalers jerseys in the stands. I was desperate for a Stanley Cup, but it has been a long time since theri departure.
Whalers jerseys? Really? Yikes, that was a long time back. I still think the Canes will win it, but in 6, as opposed to 5. Simple really. Win it in Edmonton in front of all their fans. Great wind up.

I'm gradually becoming more partisan as this goes on. I originally wanted the Oilers to win because they were the Canadian representative, the same way I wanted the Flames to do it in 04. Now I'm not fussed who wins, both seem to have shed an awful lot of blood, sweat and tears to get here. Either way, the final 2 games will be nail-biters!!! YEEEEEESS!!! May the bloodshe...the games commence. ;)
Kensai said:
Did ya'll check out the Haka (war dance) by the New Zealand rugby team? Great innit? :)

Thanks man, that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Nothing like some wild-eyed,hate-filled,war-mongering before a match. Sweet.
Paul B said:
Thanks man, that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Nothing like some wild-eyed,hate-filled,war-mongering before a match. Sweet.

Lol, yeah, it's a Maori dance, a "welcome to us" if you will. "We're going to beat you into the ground then we're going to eat your friends and family "kind of thing. :) If you get the chance to check out a rugby match then the Allblacks are the worlds number 1 team.

Anyway, hockey. Game 6, I think the Canes will take it in Edmonton, I really do. Either way, it'll be a corker.
Kensai said:
Lol, yeah, it's a Maori dance, a "welcome to us" if you will. "We're going to beat you into the ground then we're going to eat your friends and family "kind of thing.

Kind of like a Mike Tyson pre-fight interview, only it's done with manly voices?

I hope the series goes 7 games.
I'm sure you would MrH :wink2: ..but it's not nearly as intense of a celebration when the team wins it on the road,eh? :)

I think both teams are really going to go hard for it tonight,though. It'll be a good one for sure.:-partyon:
Damn!... 4-0 Oilers... Still don't think they'll win it. It's going to come down to who has the biggest b**ls now. Game 7, 3 games all. GULP!!!

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