Any hockey fans?

Think you may be right Paul, notice there are no big franchise teams left either?? Not sure the marketing men would be overly happy with that... :ultracool
Right on...I guess this is one CBA after-effect they should've caught,eh?

I think it's great when small-market teams are at the top of the game. Most fans of those teams are born and bred to love that team all adds up and makes for awesome "rink roar" and that extra jump in the home team. It's going to be good.
That rink roar is what it's all about. I've seen footage of the Air Canada Centre, with all it's suit type fans who think they're being sooo cool when they go and do something like "going to a hockey game", the reality according to my Canadian mates that have go there is that they suck all the atmosphere out of the place. All together now, can you say GO OIL GO! Lol...

North American sports needs more singing at events, and decent chants. Something perhaps mildly offensive to the opposition perhaps? :supcool:
Grrr...suit types.

I actually splurged and bought seats on the glass for a game at the UC..of course I was the only one geared up and wearing the Indianhead. I ended up being surrounded by rich people asking me what the rules of the game are. All I could do was shake my head. It's a lost cause with people like that,they just don't get it.

Maybe we should make up some..uh.."fitting" chants?
Paul B said:
Grrr...suit types.

I actually splurged and bought seats on the glass for a game at the UC..of course I was the only one geared up and wearing the Indianhead. I ended up being surrounded by rich people asking me what the rules of the game are. All I could do was shake my head. It's a lost cause with people like that,they just don't get it.

Maybe we should make up some..uh.."fitting" chants?
Ummm.... "You're going home in a f******g ambulance!" Sung to the opposition fans."?? :mp5:

"He's big, he's round, he weighs 200 pounds, TIE DOMI, TIE DOMI!".... :) Or you could insert the enforcer of your choice.

Check this out too, starting to develop a soft spot for the Oil to be honest.
Kensai said:
"He's big, he's round, he weighs 200 pounds, TIE DOMI, TIE DOMI!".... :) Or you could insert the enforcer of your choice.


Good stuff, I would go with "Stupid and Slow,He looks like a Troll..Tie Domi!"

He was good back in the day,though. Hell of a tuff guy. Watching him and Probert go was worth the price of admission.
Yeah, sad thing is Tie's past his best. He doesn't drop the gloves anymore, he doesn't score, he gives the puck away waaaay to much, and a lot of Leafs fans want him to retire. Now. Just seen that he's an "available forward" for next seasons campaign. :rolleyes: Woooo....
I feel your pain.

Eric Daze is the same way for wouldn't be so bad if he played more than 3 frickin games a season before getting hurt.
Eric Daze?

Who do you support Paul? Can't remember where he's at these days. Is he still, or has he ever been a Blackhawk?

Tshadowchaser, I hear ya! :ultracool Who's everyone going for?

My hope/money's on Edmonton... The last time I backed Calgary though, so maybe I should just root for whoever wins the Eastern Conference, and that way the Oil may win... *Scratches chin*....

Edit... Now there's a memory for ya! :) Blackhawks it is, just checked it. You can tell I play too much hockey on the PS2... Lol
hehe..I'm surprised he's on the roster and not still on the disabled list. That big galoot has to retire. *keeping fingers crossed*

I have to admit I'm torn. I'm just ready to see some knockdown,drag-out hockey. YEEEAAHHH BAAABBY!
Paul B said:
hehe..I'm surprised he's on the roster and not still on the disabled list. That big galoot has to retire. *keeping fingers crossed*

I have to admit I'm torn. I'm just ready to see some knockdown,drag-out hockey. YEEEAAHHH BAAABBY!


That's the same with Domi. I've noticed that he's back on the roster for next year... *God, please let him retire - prays-hard*

I can't wait for the finals either!! OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL!!! Hard hitting, hard skating, hard fighting, passionate, intense, Stanley Cup finals... Get in!
OHHHH...It's ON tonight..lots o trash talk beforehand..this is gonna get chippy. Gotta love game 7's.:-partyon:

I bet MrH is having convulsions. Any fingernails left,MrH??:)

I have class tonight so I'll miss the first and second period... hopefully I don't get a speeding ticket on the way home.:CTF:
Paul B said:
I bet MrH is having convulsions. Any fingernails left,MrH??:)

about to wet my pants


I'm envious... one of my best friends just got a free ticket! argh! I'd love to be going, just don't have the $!
It looks like McKee is out for tonight, so the team is down four of the six starting defense men. However, they have played tough even with so many injuries...

I'm just hoping Carolina has the jump to take it home! I just wish I were there. That place is going to absolutely EXPLODE if they win, especially if its in overtime. Its been one heck of a tight series... great, but tight. only one game was really a blowout (game 4) and only the Hurricanes have won two games in a row so far... Its been exciting!
GO CANES!!, that place was electric! How fitting is it that Brind'Amour had the game winner? Jeez.

Edmonton and Carolina..Sweet. This is going to be a heck of a series.

Game 1 on Monday...time enough to grow those nails back and stock up on Depends..:lol:
I had seasons tickets for 10 years and no cup. Game five against Habs was the closest we every came to to advancing. Now ther is talk about bringing a team back to Hartford.

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