Anti-Freeze Self-Defense

Self-defense classes i have been teaching at a university, with the primary starting focus of the course being to minimize freezing up during an encounter.

I do this by simulating the energy of a wild attack
- swinging with follow through intent with speed and little power
- telegraphing false power
- yelling at the student
- invading their personal space / rushing them
- not stopping the attack until they succeed with an attack / escape or until they "die"

Given simple techniques to handle all ranges of the attack
- kali triangle footwork
- scoop kick
- 360 block concept
- palm heel bursting
- clinch control

Following classes keep with very simple techniques so they can be done under the high intensity of someone rushing you. This type of teaching has had outstanding response in the class room freeze response, and in many students will hopefully translate to a real attack. We also discuss the psychological natural aspects of freezing and that we are here to lessen the likely hood of it happening, and that if does happen that doesnt mean that you cant then overcome it and still find an opportunity to act.

Thoughts on this method? And any comments on how your schools / programs try to lessen the likely hood or freezing in real life.
There’s no substitute for experience. IMO the more students are exposed to stressful situations, the less sensitive to them they are. Look at sparring. Most students are stiff, tight, hold their breath, etc. when they first start actually sparring. They’re afraid to get hit, and they’re afraid to hit. Often enough they’re backpedaling and/or going into an almost fetal position standing up. The more they spar, the more they come out of that shell.

Keep in mind a lot of assault type stuff is done by someone they actually know. That changes the freezing up thing a bit. They may freeze more with someone they know, getting stuck in that whole “is this really happening mindset.
Aww I thought this was about using a bottle of anti freeze to fight off an attacker
I thought it was defending against someone coming at you with antifreeze. That stuff can get pretty toxic. Protect your eyes and mouth. It’s a good unit to cover in any SD curriculum.
Sounds like a good course. I think you're focusing on the right things and I'm sure that you'll help someone.
i see good and not so good in your post. and i mean your post not your training.
for starters i dont see the correlation between some of what you said you do with the freeze response.

I do this by simulating the energy of a wild attack
- swinging with follow through intent with speed and little power
- telegraphing false power
i dont see how this relates to the freeze response. maybe a better description is needed.

"yelling at the student " ...i dont really like that terminology, i hope you dont present it like that. its called aggression inoculation. (or some such term) its important to be professional and words count. this training should include more than just verbal. body language and intensity is important.

not stopping the attack until they succeed with an attack / escape or until they "die"
i think i understand what you mean, but as a general rule most trainers never let the trainee die and i mean mock die of course. letting them find an "out" by giving up is never a good habit to instill. if they get stuck its better to stop the drill or scenario and give corrections and pointers and have them start again. the mentality needs to be that your not dead until your dead, never give up the fight.
Self-defense classes i have been teaching at a university, with the primary starting focus of the course being to minimize freezing up during an encounter.

I do this by simulating the energy of a wild attack
- swinging with follow through intent with speed and little power
- telegraphing false power
- yelling at the student
- invading their personal space / rushing them
- not stopping the attack until they succeed with an attack / escape or until they "die"

Given simple techniques to handle all ranges of the attack
- kali triangle footwork
- scoop kick
- 360 block concept
- palm heel bursting
- clinch control

Following classes keep with very simple techniques so they can be done under the high intensity of someone rushing you. This type of teaching has had outstanding response in the class room freeze response, and in many students will hopefully translate to a real attack. We also discuss the psychological natural aspects of freezing and that we are here to lessen the likely hood of it happening, and that if does happen that doesnt mean that you cant then overcome it and still find an opportunity to act.

Thoughts on this method? And any comments on how your schools / programs try to lessen the likely hood or freezing in real life.

Looks good. After a month of this, tell them to buy a mouthguard and 16oz gloves and let them spar at 70% power using jabs only.
A handful of salt is pretty effective, if you throw it into their eyes. Oh, Jeez, wait a minute, you meant freezing up!

Uh....wait a minute.....these suggestions of yours are good ones.
- invading their personal space / rushing them
- not stopping the attack until they succeed with an attack / escape or until they "die"

I have been attacked, but I did not freeze, I kept moving. The one thing that I personally need to work on, is attack/counterattack, because it ain't all defense, some of it is offense.
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Great point on word usage in describing things Hoshin1600. And the overall point is simulating the common aspects of a scenario that might typically overwhelm someone and induce a freeze, so they can work through it and be less likely to freeze in any situation.
Self-defense classes i have been teaching at a university, with the primary starting focus of the course being to minimize freezing up during an encounter.

I do this by simulating the energy of a wild attack
- swinging with follow through intent with speed and little power
- telegraphing false power
- yelling at the student
- invading their personal space / rushing them
- not stopping the attack until they succeed with an attack / escape or until they "die"

Given simple techniques to handle all ranges of the attack
- kali triangle footwork
- scoop kick
- 360 block concept
- palm heel bursting
- clinch control

Following classes keep with very simple techniques so they can be done under the high intensity of someone rushing you. This type of teaching has had outstanding response in the class room freeze response, and in many students will hopefully translate to a real attack. We also discuss the psychological natural aspects of freezing and that we are here to lessen the likely hood of it happening, and that if does happen that doesnt mean that you cant then overcome it and still find an opportunity to act.

Thoughts on this method? And any comments on how your schools / programs try to lessen the likely hood or freezing in real life.
This came to mind
Welcome to Martial Talk, Christopher.

Sounds like some good training there, brother.
You could add in discussion about environmental awareness. Are you backing yourself into a corner while defending from the aggressor or moving yourself closer to the exit? Are there weapons of opportunity around and are you moving yourself towards them?

You can add this right on to what you are already doing... once the aggressor finishes or gets finished, make them aware of where they moved with relationship to the exits. Sometimes I will make this point by having a student attack me and I will allow him to back me into the wall where the weapons are... then I grab a bokken and watch the attackers eyes. (this is much more fun, if I grab a shinai ;) ) Then I talk about being aware of what is or could be available. Other times I will let them back me towards an exit, then run out the door. When sparring with students, I will back them into a corner and keep them there... after a bit I ask if they realize that they are cornered and why aren't they trying to get out?

This also is a good time to emphasize that their goal is not to fight, submit, knock out or otherwise subdue the attacker. You are trying to survive. If you can get to an exit and leave or get to a more public place... that should be your goal, not overpowering the attacker. If you can get a weapon, use it, there is no such thing as a fair fight. Of course, use the weapon to get away, not to go after the attacker.