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Shaolinwind said:
Beige. *yawn*

Why has seal clubbing suddenly become funny to me?

The funny feeling will pass and you will feel like most of us on the subject!

Why does all the good stuff happen in the Big Ole US of A? :)
Raewyn said:
The funny feeling will pass and you will feel like most of us on the subject!

Why does all the good stuff happen in the Big Ole US of A? :)

USA, the land of opportunity and some really stupid people (MT members excluded :)). Mix those two together and good (funny) stuff is bound to happen.

Which was better, the Munsters or the Adam's Family?
HKphooey said:
USA, the land of opportunity and some really stupid people (MT members excluded :)). Mix those two together and good (funny) stuff is bound to happen.

Which was better, the Munsters or the Adam's Family?

The Munsters (but that is just my opinion)

Why do people still laugh at jokes when they dont get them????
Raewyn said:
The Munsters (but that is just my opinion)

Why do people still laugh at jokes when they dont get them????

Cause they think if they don't they will appear stupid.

How many times am I going to have the hear the joke "Are you going to drink canada dry?" while I drink ginger ale before someone gets hurt?
Not long enough for a good vacation, I would guess!

Sally sells seashells down by the seashore - how many shells does Sally sell?
enough to buy a cheeseburger...

How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?
3257 in a 8 hour day

Now how many brown cow does it take to get chocolate milk?
I'm convinced that it's because in Heaven, that will be reversed!!

What's your earliest/youngest memory?
When I was about two I was walking up from the play room holding a big inflatable crayon. Jessica was sitting on the pull out bed from the couch watching cartoons in the living room. Standing in the kitchen I told my mom I wanted cereal. I remember having to try really hard to talk.

What was something you wanted for birthday/christmas when you were little and then you got it and were completely unamused/uninterested?
Sam said:
What was something you wanted for birthday/christmas when you were little and then you got it and were completely unamused/uninterested?

Gotcha! Paintball guns. They were a cheap version of a real paintball gun with a range that turned out to be about 10 feet.

What have you wanted all your life but never had?