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Because it's all about them.

Okay, what did I do to piss off the Karma Gods? (guess I was thinking Dharma - giggle)

Maybe you forgot how much you are loved.

Do you know how much you are loved?
not much. Well actually I love you in a totally friendly way not a sexual way.

Am I a traitor for switching sides in the Last Peson Thread
To be hanged, drawn, and quartered... oh, wait, that was Medieval England.

Why is the weather always better during the week than on the weekend?
it gets worse because you look in the mirror and....

wait that was why i hate bathrooms

whos a worse fighter...seig or kenpotess(you cannot say they are equal)
it gets worse because you look in the mirror and....

wait that was why i hate bathrooms

whos a worse fighter...seig or kenpotess(you cannot say they are equal)

I choose option "C".

What color did (or would) you paint your bedroom?
my walls are white. i would aint them very dark almost black blue. It represents the darkness. And you arent going to draw, quarter, hang me etc.?
i am suppossed to finish everything and be in bed by 930. read till ten. asleep within fifteen minutes.

what time do you fall asleep?
what time do you fall asleep?
Depends on what shift I am on or getting ready to be on. If I'm on the 7am-3pm shift I usually crash around 9 or 10pm. If I'm on the 3pm-11pm shift it is around 2am, if on the 11pm to 7am then I try to stay up until noon. :)

The paragraph below is most unusual. Why?

"Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration ... "
The above passage is taken from the book "Gatsby" written by Ernest Vincent Wright in the late 1930's

(Hint: Look closely at the words, what do they all have in common?)
no E's in the whole thing!
Wow, nice catch!

Does your school use tips or stripes on belts?
Stripes - made out of electrical tape for gup ranks; black belts are embroidered mostly because they are worn for so much longer.

It was quiet at my house all night - so why did the phone and doorbell both ring within 3 minutes?
My hands and feet.

I dont know any weapons yet.

At which point in your training do you begin with weapons?
I would like to train with the staff.

What "real" martial arts weapon do you like the least, and why?
crushing said:
What is your favorite weapon?

My favorite weapon is the katana. I also have a soft spot for light bastard (hand-and-a-half) European swords.

Sam said:
At which point in your training do you begin with weapons?

I've been training with weapons since day one of my JSA training. I am also training with the bokken and jo in Aikido.

kenpotex said:
what constitutes a "real" MA weapon?

I think Sam was talking about the "traditional" weapons used in some MA styles (katana, jian, sai, bo, jo, etc).

My least favorite MA weapon is the nunchucks. I think that they are more showy than practical.

Why am I still awake, if I have an 8am home visit in less than seven hours?

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