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Blotan Hunka said:
What was your proudest physical accomplishment? (won a race, martial arts comp etc)?
The fact my body is still functioning after what I put it through in college. :D

Why do they put zero as the last number on a calculator?
Chuck Norris, because everyone else just passes out if he even glances in their direction. (just kidding about that one)

Why do people talk in their sleep?
KenpoSterre said:
why did I dream of high fructose corn syrup last night? (I was yelling it in my sleep)
Clearly, you're not eating nearly enough corn syrup. Try it on your toast with breakfast.

Of the 3 members of Wilson Phillips, was the blond not the hottest?
Flatlander said:
Of the 3 members of Wilson Phillips, was the blond not the hottest?
There was a hot one?! Pictures or it didn't happen. :D

While we're on the topic of 80's girl groups, who would win in a fight? The Bangles or the Go-Go's?
OUMoose said:
There was a hot one?! Pictures or it didn't happen. :D

While we're on the topic of 80's girl groups, who would win in a fight? The Bangles or the Go-Go's?
The Go Go's.

Did you see the Bad Movie Staring the producers daughter? (also a Bangel)
Because The Church of the Immaculate Misconception and Presumptuous Assumption does not allow it.

Why do people ask questions that require mind reading in order to answer correctly?
zDom said:
Why do people ask questions that require mind reading in order to answer correctly?
If you don't know, I'm not telling you. :)

Why does the weekend have to be so short... :(
All Week Long

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday, Sunday .......................................

Yup... We here on Farmer Mountain, The Silly Question Investigative Division, have mathematically deduced that there aren't as many letters in weekend as All Week Long, and so forth.

Why is it so very hard to work out to a point of physical fitness, and lay off for a week or so and have it all go to pot? At least in my own case.
Sigung86 said:
Why is it so very hard to work out to a point of physical fitness, and lay off for a week or so and have it all go to pot? At least in my own case.

Cuz that's why we need to keep training, mate.

Why are all my fave instructors so far away from me? :(
Carol Kaur said:
Cuz that's why we need to keep training, mate.

Why are all my fave instructors so far away from me? :(
The same reason I can't find any internal CMA's around here.

Should I get rid of my 1919 A2 and save lots of money?
No I'm not.

Why is Hollywood botching the new Harry Potter movie?

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