This paragraph from ArmorofGod sparked a thought for me:
"You are right to make the students wear the same uniform. I read a good article years back stating that different color uniforms and different patches create cliques and sub-groups among the students. It is kind of like the rich kids wearing nicer clothes at school making the other kids feel inferior or like how the jocks wear one type of clothing and the skaters wear another, thus making the groups even more seperate."
I generally agree with the idea that uniforms allow us all to be on the same footing, that the dojang should be a place where personal wealth or social status should not matter. That said, should we take the thought to a final conclusion that all should wear the same uniform exactly?
As an instructor, I generally wear a 'better' uniform, even though it is white like my students'. So do most of the people who have been around a while, and I have no issues recommending the same to any beginner who wants to spend the coin as I believe the fabric and cut is worth the additional expense.
Yet this runs contrary to the spirit of equality in the dojo/dojang does it not?
"You are right to make the students wear the same uniform. I read a good article years back stating that different color uniforms and different patches create cliques and sub-groups among the students. It is kind of like the rich kids wearing nicer clothes at school making the other kids feel inferior or like how the jocks wear one type of clothing and the skaters wear another, thus making the groups even more seperate."
I generally agree with the idea that uniforms allow us all to be on the same footing, that the dojang should be a place where personal wealth or social status should not matter. That said, should we take the thought to a final conclusion that all should wear the same uniform exactly?
As an instructor, I generally wear a 'better' uniform, even though it is white like my students'. So do most of the people who have been around a while, and I have no issues recommending the same to any beginner who wants to spend the coin as I believe the fabric and cut is worth the additional expense.
Yet this runs contrary to the spirit of equality in the dojo/dojang does it not?