Another stupid story...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Involved a former girlfriend (years ago, before I was married). She was from another state originally. She was taking nursing classes when I met her, and when she went to get her LPN license, they did a background check and found she had an FTA warrant for assault on a police officer in her home state. They denied her license until she resolved the issue. Turned out that she had been involved in a domestic disturbance on her front porch in her small town (yes, alcohol was involved) and the local cop tried to break it up. She ordered him off her property and when he didn't go, she smacked him. Got arrested. Paid the bail and moved away.

To help her resolve the issue, I called the town and spoke to the town Magistrate (town is too small for official court system). He said her fine would be $1,000, but she'd have to appear in person to pay it and get the FTA warrant dropped, she'd have to plead guilty to a reduced charge (interference) and she'd have to apologize to the officer. I said fine.

I bought her a plane ticket home, gave her the money, and we discussed what she had to do. She agreed. After all, without resolving the issue, her LPN certification would never happen, she'd have wasted all the training she paid for.

She appeared in court. Pleaded guilty to interference, paid the fine. Magistrate asked her to apologize to the cop, who was present. She said "I'm not going to apologize to that piece of sh&#! And if he lays hands on me ever again, I'll beat his *** again!"

The Magistrate then formally set aside her plea agreement, re-charged her with assault on a police officer, disturbing the peace, and contempt of court. He had her arrested on the spot, bail was set at $50,000 due to her having previously absconded bail.

When she didn't make her return flight, I called the Magistrate and he told me all about it. He asked me if I wanted to wire the town $5,000 as 10% necessary to get her released on bail. I declined. He laughed and said he thought I'd say that. She stayed in jail until her trial, where she had a PD. She was found guilty and got two years and a $25,000 fine, I heard.

That's showing 'em!
Aye, that was indeed a shining example of the wrong time to display a considerable reservoir of 'grit and determination' to hold a grudge!
You got off cheap brother, a thousand bucks plus airfare to find the looniness prior to more serious commitment is cheap in my opinion, plus a two year cool off period for her bonus. I have known a few folks who talked themselves into jail, falling on that sword of righteousness the whole time while being so wrong and never being able to see the truth of it. Funny story.
You got off cheap brother, a thousand bucks plus airfare to find the looniness prior to more serious commitment is cheap in my opinion, plus a two year cool off period for her bonus. I have known a few folks who talked themselves into jail, falling on that sword of righteousness the whole time while being so wrong and never being able to see the truth of it. Funny story.

When I was in Okinawa, Japan had a state monopoly on cigarettes. Black-marketing them was a crime punishable by 1 year in the local prison in Naha. American smokes were greatly desired and were $2.25 a CARTON (yes, a carton) at the PX. So a lot of 'barter' went on with them. Americans caught black-marketing could get off with a warning for a 1st offense if they apologized. I heard of one idiot Marine who refused to apologize because he "wasn't sorry he did it." He got the 1 year, a Bad Conduct Discharge, and had to find his own way home from Japan after his year in prison was up. Dumbass.
Bill, similar things occurred when I was in Germany. Camel and Marlboros were about $8 per carton, but you could find off brands for a few bucks. Alcohol, however, was the biggie. I once got the alternator replaced in my car for a fifth of Jack Daniels. Both alcohol and cigs were rationed.

Funny story. Like Brian said, you got off lucky. Cost you a couple thousand bucks to find out that your girl friend has no sense.
Involved a former girlfriend (years ago, before I was married). She was from another state originally. She was taking nursing classes when I met her, and when she went to get her LPN license, they did a background check and found she had an FTA warrant for assault on a police officer in her home state. They denied her license until she resolved the issue. Turned out that she had been involved in a domestic disturbance on her front porch in her small town (yes, alcohol was involved) and the local cop tried to break it up. She ordered him off her property and when he didn't go, she smacked him. Got arrested. Paid the bail and moved away.

To help her resolve the issue, I called the town and spoke to the town Magistrate (town is too small for official court system). He said her fine would be $1,000, but she'd have to appear in person to pay it and get the FTA warrant dropped, she'd have to plead guilty to a reduced charge (interference) and she'd have to apologize to the officer. I said fine.

I bought her a plane ticket home, gave her the money, and we discussed what she had to do. She agreed. After all, without resolving the issue, her LPN certification would never happen, she'd have wasted all the training she paid for.

She appeared in court. Pleaded guilty to interference, paid the fine. Magistrate asked her to apologize to the cop, who was present. She said "I'm not going to apologize to that piece of sh&#! And if he lays hands on me ever again, I'll beat his *** again!"

The Magistrate then formally set aside her plea agreement, re-charged her with assault on a police officer, disturbing the peace, and contempt of court. He had her arrested on the spot, bail was set at $50,000 due to her having previously absconded bail.

When she didn't make her return flight, I called the Magistrate and he told me all about it. He asked me if I wanted to wire the town $5,000 as 10% necessary to get her released on bail. I declined. He laughed and said he thought I'd say that. She stayed in jail until her trial, where she had a PD. She was found guilty and got two years and a $25,000 fine, I heard.

That's showing 'em!
You did good. She was given a simple set of instructions to get to a pile of money at the end of the rainbow and chose otherwise. If wisdom is the anticipation of consequences, she wasn't smart enough to be your girlfriend, and she proved it.
Oh... the power of an apology. A simple thing that some people refuse to say, and would rather go to jail etc. Did Esop have a fable for this?
Another appropriate name for this thread would have been 'Another Stupid Lady', then again, 'lady' doesn't really apply here does it? Lol.

I certainly wouldn't want someone with such poor judgement responsible for caring for one of my loved ones.

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