another rib injury


Yellow Belt
I injured my rib by getting kneed and kicked in my chest 1.5 months ago. (I was holding a pad...) 5 weeks passed, and I fully recovered. I went back to training 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I injured another side of my rib by clinching tonight. A tiny woman held my neck really hard, and she put her arms really tight on me. Her elbows were on my chests, and I heard a "click" sound there. What went wrong this time?? I know injury comes with training, but I am not sure why it keeps happening in my ribs. I am a bit afraid to practice with her again. Can anyone give me some feedback?
Thank you.
Have you considered going to the doctor, and letting him or someone else check out your blood and bones :)

It could be that you have a calcium issue or something else that makes your bones more brittle than normal. Especially when you were holding a bag, your ribs shouldn't break like that.
in my experience, rib injuries come in groups. wait until you're fully healed, then wait one more week before training. ribs sometimes trick you into thinking they're okay when they aren't quite there yet.

since my injuries i've started on gloucosamine, fish oil, & magnesium for cartilage health & bone density. also, if you feel the slightest twinge or weakness in your ribs, stop training immediately & take a day or two off. it's better to take a day or two off to prevent injury than take weeks or months off to heal one.

if it was a cartilage tear, you're looking at months of down time with a very gradual re-entry to training. a high-level competitive judoka will be off the mat for about a year.

in the meantime, lots of ice & naproxen sodium (aleve). good luck!

Go to a doctor.

I had a rib injury that I kept reinjuring and not allowing it to heal properly and it became chronic. Don't be dumb like me. :)

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