Another racist buddy of Obama


Lifetime Supporting Member
Here is an picture of then Senator obama appearing with the racist black panther party. I have yet to see anything on this in the media. If Bush had attended a march with the Klan, it would have been the end of his candidacy.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.
The images, presented below, also renew doubts about the transparency of the White House’s guest logs–in particular, whether Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is the same “Malik Shabazz” listed among the Obama administration’s early visitors

Here are the images:

So the list so far 2- terrorist bombers-Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, 1-terrorist spokesman-Rashid Khalidy, 1 racist pastor reverend wright, 1-racist hate group, the black panthers. Hmmm...How many of these vile people would it take to end the political career of a republican candidate, let alone disqualify him for the office of the President, if the republican candidate had any, any association with them?
The Bushs where in bed with the Saudis. Many Republican presidents had questionable ties. Then there was Nixon, he didn't need questionable ties. He was the criminal.
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If Bush had attended a march with the Klan, it would have been the end of his candidacy.

Bush spoke at Bob Jones University during his campaign, which at the time banned interracial dating. He managed to survive giving a speech at a racist institution. speech vs.......two domestic terrorist bombers as close personal friends, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, one rabidly racist pastor , Jeremiah wright, who married Obama and Michelle and baptised their children, one friend, Rashid Khalidy, spokesman for a terrorist organization, and now, sucking up to a racist, hate group, and then letting the guys off of voter intimidation, hmmm...yeah, that is about the same, don't you think? speech vs.......two domestic terrorist bombers as close personal friends, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, one rabidly racist pastor , Jeremiah wright, who married Obama and Michelle and baptised their children, one friend, Rashid Khalidy, spokesman for a terrorist organization, and now, sucking up to a racist, hate group, and then letting the guys off of voter intimidation, hmmm...yeah, that is about the same, don't you think?

Do more research on the black Panther party before deciding they're a racist party. You know, like how you want people to do that with the Tea Party?

Hmmm...I don't exactly see this sort of behavior from non-racists...

he magic moment and memorable quotes start at 37 seconds on the video. I haven't heard that this guy has been kicked out of the Black Panthers because of his statements, has anyone else?
1) silo answers? Why not go to the official website, or give me some quotes from Sieze The Time? Did you actually do the research? No, I doubt it, or you would know that the Black Panther Party and the New Black Panther Party are different organizations, and that the New Black Panther party is openly CONDEMNED by the original Black Panther Party. Even the video posted shows it as a different party. Confirmation bias much? You posted a version of the ten point plan that is neither the original nor the official version (which is worded much differently). In short, you are basing your points on some incridibly limited research. Try this website: for the record, the New Black Panther party IS an incredibly racist group of idiots.
Aww crap. I put my foot in my mouth. Malik Zulu Shabazz IS from the New Black Panther party. And an antisemitic prick. I must concede. Aarg! Can't believe I DID that!
You are reaching big time with a KKK / Black Panther comparison. When was the last time the Black Panthers hung a white guy in a tree?
Sorry josh but a lot of the confusion is coming from mixing up the Black Panther Party, which was inclusive of whites and based their philosophy on marxism and maoism, and the New Black Panther Party, which is decidedly anti-white, anti-semitic, and bases their philosophies on Kaweida economic theory. Moreover, the father of the New Black Panther party was Khalid Abdul Mohammed, former minister for the Nation of Islam-- VERY racist enemies of the Black Panther Party back in the day. Mohammed was known for the quote: " there are no good crackers, and if you find one,kill him before he changes." That IS DEFINITELY comparable to the KKK. Malik Shabbaz is of the same vein as this guy. Bobby Seale, cofounder of the ORIGINAL Black Panther Party for Self Defense, said this about the NBPP: " Just to hate another person because [of] the coloroftheirskinortheir ethnicity — we don't do that. That's not what the goal objective is. The goal objective is human liberation. The goal objective is the greater community cooperation and humanism. The goal objective is to get rid of institutionalized racism." The NBPP very much is an anti-white and anti-semitic hate group. It is more or less a retooling of the failed Nation of Islam. So frankly, the OP does have a valid point that Obama sharing a stage with a racist puke.
Which brings me to my next point: the group being displayed in this thread is NOT THE ORIGINAL BLACK PANTHER PARTY AND HAS NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM TO THE NAME, OR BPP HERITAGE OF WHICH TO SPEAK. Will people kindly refer to the group headed up by Malik Shabbaz as the NEW Black Panther Party?! These two groups are very different in their nature, despite the hijacking of the name by the new group.

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