Another privacy issue...or is it?


Senior Master
Okay...let me throw this one out and see if it generates any debate:

Given previous discussions concerning privacy here in the U.S., what do ya'll think of this case?

My question is about the couple next door...they observed the guy for fifteen minutes using binoculars and a telescope from 30-50 yards away. Even if we could castigate the suspect for his actions, aren't they being a tad prurient?


They're coming to take me away, away. They're coming to take me away!

Hell, I'd probably end up with 20 years in jail for some of the stuff I've done in my house.
What about a phone call or a knock on the door, then asking him to move away from the window, so he wouldn't be exposing himself to the young daughters.
If he then continued, knowing he was being offensive, I might have called the cops.

I can't believe this case actually went all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court.

You know, I often mow the lawn shirtless.

When I put on a pair of shorts to mow the lawn, the 'upper part of my body is visible from just below the navel'.

It never occurred to me that this was indecent.

From what the article says ... nothing was visible on the defendant's lower body.

I'm thinking someone should just by Daryl a mirror, that way, he won't need to admire himself in the reflection in the window. And windows shades really get in the way of that reflection ... ditto when the lights are out.