Another Newbie checking in.


3rd Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Hi everyone,
I'm a 1st Dan in Tang Soo Do and I've returned to working out after about a 25 yr. hiatus. I'm 57 and decided that the martial arts experience would be a great way to condition in light of the chronic battle I've had with coronary artery disease. In addition to Tang Soo Do, I am studying Arnis. Incidently, my entire family trained when I started out and 6 of the seven family members have Dan ranking, with my mother holding the highest rank of 4th Dan.
Looking forward to following the topics and updating my knowledge.
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Dennis, thanks for stopping in and sharing the family event through your life. It is good you found your way back, see you around the site.
Welcome aboard, Dennis. No pun intended when I say that it is most heartening that you have returned to your martial arts as a way of helping yourself deal with a physical condition :nods:. Also, great to hear of a family so replete with dan grades :D.
Welcome to the forum, like has been said the martial arts is a journey and not a destination. I am sure you will find the KMA forums useful and stock with discussion!
Welcome to MT! I am doing the same for conditioning with the same problem. Only difference is my art is Hapkido, and I am not doing it formerly, just on my own at a local gym.

I hope your continued journey is fun and fruitful. I also hope you got your doctor to agree.
Actually I am a doctor so I had a little edge. The beauty of the martial arts is that you can pace yourself as you need too. And it's a lot less boring than the treadmill.
Welcome to MT! I am doing the same for conditioning with the same problem. Only difference is my art is Hapkido, and I am not doing it formerly, just on my own at a local gym.

I hope your continued journey is fun and fruitful. I also hope you got your doctor to agree.
Thanks to everyone for the warm reception. Now, can any one tell me how to change the white belt designation to Black Belt. It's a small thing but it still frustrates me.
Thanks to everyone for the warm reception. Now, can any one tell me how to change the white belt designation to Black Belt. It's a small thing but it still frustrates me.

Keep posting! if I remember correctly you need 500-600 posts on the forum to earn the title of MT Black Belt!

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