Another new MT Black Belt

Rob Broad said:
Kenpo Tiger is just a few posts away from geting the MT Black Belt. Congratulations.
SHHH! Tigers are supposed to be able to sneak up on their prey.
Thank you for noticing, Rob. KT

Congrats! Wow! All these Black Belts... I am so humbled... :asian:
Kenpo Tiger!!!! I left to run an errand, meaning to PM you to push you to get there and I came back and you were already black!


Black Tiger Mama!!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Congrats to a Tiger who really deserves it!!! Yah baby!!
So who will be next?

There has to be someone close to getting there, we just now have to help them get there.

What happened to our plans of posting a "preparing for a MT Black Belt" thread????? Now you've gone and blown it!!!! You know it's all about the journey! You'll wear it well, i :asian: you!

How did you do that so fast???? I've been here for over a year and i think i'm still a green belt? Guess i :lurk: too much. I do get lots of great information though.

Congrats KT!

Kenpo Mama
By looking at this thread I would say Kenpo Mama would be next in another 300 posts. Anybody else know of someone getting close to that 500th post?
Rob Broad said:
By looking at this thread I would say Kenpo Mama would be next in another 300 posts. Anybody else know of someone getting close to that 500th post?
PPKO is in his mid 200's
Rob Broad said:
By looking at this thread I would say Kenpo Mama would be next in another 300 posts. Anybody else know of someone getting close to that 500th post?
Hey Rob, Don't expect this to happen anytime this year! I like to really dig down deep into those belt levels, weed through the material and am in no rush, i want to feel like i really worked hard for that MT Black Belt!!!! Oh well, we'll all have a really big e-party when it does happen!

Have a good one.

Kenpo Mama :ultracool
shesulsa said:
Kenpo Tiger!!!! I left to run an errand, meaning to PM you to push you to get there and I came back and you were already black!


Black Tiger Mama!!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Congrats to a Tiger who really deserves it!!! Yah baby!!
Aw shucks. Thanks to you all for providing such a great place to read, learn, debate, and generally socialize with like-minded people.

KM - I agree. I think you need to do this so we can have that e-party. KT
We owe it to ourselves and the rest of the forum members to provide quality threads fro them to interact.
KT, you did it!!! Congratulations.

I guess MACaver got it too, eh? Congratulations all around. To all those who have been diligent posters and earned a black belt this week, I'm proud of you. Feisty, Shesulsa, Rob, KT, MACaver...hope I didn't miss anyone.

I'm going to go eat a quart of ice cream in your honor. No...I'm going to eat a quart of ice cream for each one of you, in your honor. Haagen Daaz. Coffee flavored. It should take me about two hours.

When you hear that little popping sound, those'll be my arteries slamming shut.


Thank you, Steve!

And in case one or two haven't noticed, Steve just posted his 1,000th post making him Master!! Kewl, huh?
hardheadjarhead said:
KT, you did it!!! Congratulations.

I guess MACaver got it too, eh? Congratulations all around. To all those who have been diligent posters and earned a black belt this week, I'm proud of you. Feisty, Shesulsa, Rob, KT, MACaver...hope I didn't miss anyone.

I'm going to go eat a quart of ice cream in your honor. No...I'm going to eat a quart of ice cream for each one of you, in your honor. Haagen Daaz. Coffee flavored. It should take me about two hours.

When you hear that little popping sound, those'll be my arteries slamming shut.


Aw gee Steve. You didn't have to go to all that trouble on OUR account. Oops - sorry -
MASTER Steve! *tiger disappears behind high brush* KT
kenpo tiger said:
Aw gee Steve. You didn't have to go to all that trouble on OUR account. Oops - sorry -
MASTER Steve! *tiger disappears behind high brush* KT

What a relief my last name isn't "Bates".


hardheadjarhead said:
What a relief my last name isn't "Bates".



Just a small observation, but Gary Crawford is posting in his 400's, perhaps we can get Gary back on line and encourage his post count so that he can join the Black belt ranks too! :)

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