Another new MT Black Belt

See, that's why I'm worried about you...forgot your liter...ature already.
Well, I don't know how you do all that and do what 33 posts a day...but hats off to you. What are you a junior now or a senior? My daughter quit her last quarter so she is now a half year behind or she would be a junior. Too much switching of majors. sigh! Now she is back to what I advised before she started...hope thats it - teaching French. She's nearly fluent, wasn't able to get into the French program until she talked to the department head in French. 'Nough about her. Well, we will have to watch Feisty for the next couple of days if not sooner. TW
bignick said:
basically, the "model" of a computer consists of a number of levels(hardware, etc...) i won't go into too much's basically "how" a computer works and how these levels tie together on a very technical, boring basis, it pretty much teaches you everything about computers that you never needed or wanted to other words interesting stuff!

i'm done with most of my arts and humanities classes...this semester i'm taking the last's looking like...the art of listening, speech, computer networking, software engineering, and technical report writing...
..hrm...maybe you can help be wrap my brain around deadlocking and process careful after software'll start dreaming in code...that's scary...and lets you know you've played too much Halo...
Holy guacamole! I leave for a little while and everyone just passes you by - a lot like class, no? :ultracool

Congratulations to everyone - TW, Feisty, Bignick, KT and anyone else I've missed - will be gone again, now, until 10/23.

See ya! :CTF:
All hail to the feisty one...

feisty mouse made master today...

(sniping trolls sure helps that post count, eh?) :ultracool
bignick said:
All hail to the feisty one...

feisty mouse made master today...

(sniping trolls sure helps that post count, eh?) :ultracool
Congrats Feisty! :D
Ahh Feisty you are one of my favorite posters...You are tons of fun, and you brave the study... a thing I mostly dare not do, and you certainly hold your own there! Congrats on being made master! :-partyon:
Congrats Feisty, I blinked and you were there. Just got back from a class of practically all white belts, well it probably still was better than the Vikings game going on downstairs. TW

Why, it seemed like just yesterday you got your black belt. Now our little girl is all grown up <sniff>.

I owe you, like...what? Five quarts of celebratory ice cream? We never go out and get any.


Nalia, MJ, TW, HHJH, KM

Thank you!!! :) ALl this positive reinforcement for shooting my mouth (or fingers) off?!??!

HHJH - ice cream is certainly in order! Mmmmm... mint chip! It is calling my name...!
Dayum, Feisty! You go, girl! Crap, now, see? I can't go anywhere!!

That's so awesome, FM - keep it up, girlfriend!!
Feisty Mouse said:
Nalia, MJ, TW, HHJH, KM

Thank you!!! :) ALl this positive reinforcement for shooting my mouth (or fingers) off?!??!

HHJH - ice cream is certainly in order! Mmmmm... mint chip! It is calling my name...!
mint chip, you say....i have a pail in my freezer right now....delicious...
i just got my first black on martial talk!:ultracool now if i can just get my yellow belt in real life;) (j/k)peace

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