Another gi thread


Senior Master
Feb 28, 2019
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Since there are only 4 current threads on gi's it seems we can use another. How about taking a hint from the military and have a black one for night fighting, a green one in case you're attacked in the forest, and a blue one if you're fighting from higher ground so you can blend in with the sky? The white is OK for inside or out in the snow. Maybe gi's should be its own forum so as not to distract from topics in other mainline forums. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I apologize for the polyester gi thread. I didn't know it was gonna start all this.
When I am out and about, I mostly wear a dobak that has navy blue pants and various colored tops. They look remarkably like jeans and a polo shirt.
I wear these 😑 My tache is thickening up nicely.🥸
I wear my Lululemon spats and rash guard to Trader Joe’s sometimes.
I find them quite comfortable on the plane, too. I figure if women can wear them when they fly, why can't I? Makes getting a seat in the airport easy, too.
Granted. I know better than to use absolutes. It was a poor word choice. I should have said "almost nobody wants to wrestle with a crazy naked man".
You’ve added ‘crazy’ to the mix now and, in the U.K. at least, that is a larger subset than the original simple naked and guy. They loves a naked nutter, they does!
You’ve added ‘crazy’ to the mix now and, in the U.K. at least, that is a larger subset than the original simple naked and guy. They loves a naked nutter, they does!
Speaking as someone who has been required by my job, more than once, to wrestle naked crazy guys, I will just say I'd prefer not to have to do it again.
But I don't have a problem with what any consenting adults do recreationally.
Speaking as someone who has been required by my job, more than once, to wrestle naked crazy guys, I will just say I'd prefer not to have to do it again.
But I don't have a problem with what any consenting adults do recreationally.

One has to be so careful with one’s form of words these days! 😄
Are those the see-through ones? It occurs to me that those might be an effective deterrent. Nobody wants to grapple a naked guy.
Wait, so if someone tries to mug or fight me, and I just start stripping, that'll end the confrontation? How have I never been taught that before??
Speaking as someone who has been required by my job, more than once, to wrestle naked crazy guys, I will just say I'd prefer not to have to do it again.
But I don't have a problem with what any consenting adults do recreationally.
Okay, but have you had to wrestle a naked crazy guy who first locked himself in the bathroom and covered his whole body with soap? ...because I have...
Wait, so if someone tries to mug or fight me, and I just start stripping, that'll end the confrontation? How have I never been taught that before??
It's certainly one option...
Okay, but have you had to wrestle a naked crazy guy who first locked himself in the bathroom and covered his whole body with soap? ...because I have...
Soap? You got off easy...
Okay, but have you had to wrestle a naked crazy guy who first locked himself in the bathroom and covered his whole body with soap? ...because I have...
My God! Wish I never started this thread. I'm learning too much about my fellow posters. I need to take a shower now but am scared that naked crazy guy will be in there.
My gi has store fronts and car grills on it to blend into the urban surroundings.