Big Don
Sr. Grandmaster
They did indeed expand their borders into the West bank and parts of Syria, however, what you fail to state is they didn't invade, they took that land AFTER being invaded by (numerically) superior forces.Umm they most certainly did invade. They expanded there borders into the West Bank and parts of Syria. They also continuously break law and also take no regard for innocent life. Unless you figure if your Palestinian you're not innocent.
So, it is Bush's fault we don't play hardball with the Saudis? OK then, what was Clinton's excuse, he said he would fight terrorism too...I'm no fan of terrorists or any extremists but Israel is not without blame, and most definitely Britain is not without blame either.
And we don't play hardball with Saudi not because we don't want to drill at home but because our President and his family have for decades done private dealings with them in the oil business. The Prince and the aristocrats in Americans society repeatedly rub each other's backs.
Or Reagan's? Reagan wasn't an oilman, he was an actor...
You blame Bush because you don't look for real answers, only convenient scapegoats.
The number of times Israel has initiated hostilities with anyone are few in the extreme. The last instance in fact was the bombing of Saddam's nuclear plant in 1981, that is twenty-six years ago...