Anna Nicole Smith


Yellow Belt
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
It is definately suspicious, however judging by her life style, she didn't have long to live anyway with her continuing her bad habits
The autopsy should be interesting. The AP announcement mentioned she had been found by her personal nurse. Does anybody know why she was under the care of a personal nurse? I've not been able to find that information, or the potential relevance to causality.
RE: What's Wrong With US?

Could it be that too many of our fellow citizens think the demise of this Uberbimbo actually constitutes "news"?

Too much of our society is pre-occupied with knowing nonsense. I one time knew a guy who could run off any Red Sox batting average, but had no idea when his kids' birthdays were.

People don't know who (allegedly) represents them in Congress, but they know the latest on Paris Hilton. Is Britney Spears' right not to wear panties protected by the Bill of Rights? Anybody know anything about the doctors working on Bird Flu - K-fed's doing that right?

CNN gives an hour to lurid speculation about the 1001 possible causes of Anna Nicole's death - how many real heroes, like the guys who get murdered fighting terrorists - get an hour on CNN?

What's hot? What's Not?

Shallowness and stupidity are H-O-T.
Unfortunately, my suspicions are around recreational substance abuse, or the latent effects of whatever methodologies she really used to drop her weight. The obvious initial backlash will be that TrimSpa kills like Ma-Huang does, or that there is a plot to remove her from the scene before the cash comes. But, having seen a shot of her face while watching an event about a month ago, there was significant swelling beneath her eyes. In TCM, that's often correlated with heart pathology. Heart issues are not uncommon in prolonged use of various stimulants.

Plus, I tend not to believe that anyone is clever enough to pull off a high-profile homocide without some aspect of evidence coming to the forefront.

Pointlessy curious,

Mod Note

I moved some posts from the Hall of Remembrance to The Study so that we can discuss the issues surrounding her death. The posts in question are best suited for this area.

Mike Slosek
MT Supermod
Too much of our society is pre-occupied with knowing nonsense. I one time knew a guy who could run off any Red Sox batting average, but had no idea when his kids' birthdays were.

Only one? :idunno: :lfao:
The autopsy should be interesting. The AP announcement mentioned she had been found by her personal nurse. Does anybody know why she was under the care of a personal nurse? I've not been able to find that information, or the potential relevance to causality.

one of our local talk radio guys was speculating that many 'personal nurses' are just a travelling companion with legal access to all the really good drugs
Rant warning. Rant warning. Rant warning.

There was an interview with Ms. Smith's mother on CNN this morning. I haven't found the transcript to get the exact wording, but the interviewer said something about Anna Nicole Smith "coming a long way". The way he said it implied that being a celebrity is somehow more noble or worthy than what the rest of us poor suckers do day-in and day-out. She couldn't sing, she couldn't act, yet she was an entertainer. Basically, her skill was looking good for cameras. Now, I'm not knocking her, I'm knocking the interviewer (and our celibrimedia). She sang, acted, and looked better than I could, but how is being a celebrity for being a celebrity considered 'coming a long way'?
She is just another example of Darwins theory!!! I have no sympathy for people like that what I do feel sorry for is the child she leave behind
For those wondering why the news media is spending so much time on this "uberbimbo" death... I'll ask if anyone remember's Marilyn Monroe?
Yup, there is and will be controversy. Marilyn's estate has made dump truck loads of cash and so will Anna's. I can't wait for the mini series. :erg:

It sucks when people die, it just boggles my mind that some people are deemed "more important" when they die.
It sucks when people die, it just boggles my mind that some people are deemed "more important" when they die.
Yeah, I'm kinda mystified that death can make a white trash, gold-digging moron a candidate for sainthood. :rolleyes:
Only one? :idunno: :lfao:

Heavens, no, Carol! Far more than just one - I just don't want to commit the infraction I am questioning, which is wasting tons of time and print on details concerning individuals such as this!

Now I may get a few more keys scraped on my reputation car door for this rant, and that's just too bad...... but the thread was originally started in the Hall of Remembrance. I thought that area was dedicated to distinguished Martial Artists. Did ole Anna Nicole have an 8th dan I was unaware of? Did she have a secret life as a Shihan somewhere?

I'm not raising this as some arcane technical point. Look at how much main stream publicity almost all departed martial arts masters DID NOT get, in life or in death .... compare to the media feeding frenzy this human train wreck is getting. Now, ask yourself - who has the most to offer us, and our children, in wisdom or example - a departed Sensei or Anna Nicole Smith?

What's wrong with this picture? Our media deifies "celebrities" who are everything we should NOT want to be, and ignores those men and women of substance that we all could profit by studying......

I believe there is a rat poison which works by filling the rodent's digestive tract with indigestable inert matter until it dies. These lurid media stories are nothing more than mental rat poison. They fill our heads with useless trash, crowding out things which could well be useful.
Heavens, no, Carol! Far more than just one - I just don't want to commit the infraction I am questioning, which is wasting tons of time and print on details concerning individuals such as this!

Now I may get a few more keys scraped on my reputation car door for this rant, and that's just too bad...... but the thread was originally started in the Hall of Remembrance. I thought that area was dedicated to distinguished Martial Artists. Did ole Anna Nicole have an 8th dan I was unaware of? Did she have a secret life as a Shihan somewhere?

I'm not raising this as some arcane technical point. Look at how much main stream publicity almost all departed martial arts masters DID NOT get, in life or in death .... compare to the media feeding frenzy this human train wreck is getting. Now, ask yourself - who has the most to offer us, and our children, in wisdom or example - a departed Sensei or Anna Nicole Smith?

What's wrong with this picture? Our media deifies "celebrities" who are everything we should NOT want to be, and ignores those men and women of substance that we all could profit by studying......

I believe there is a rat poison which works by filling the rodent's digestive tract with indigestable inert matter until it dies. These lurid media stories are nothing more than mental rat poison. They fill our heads with useless trash, crowding out things which could well be useful.
Good point. I saw nothing on Bong Soo Han in the news when he passed.
Incorrect since most of the universe is a vacuum. You know: "space the final frontier."

Okay, how bout, "Nature fond of, but not in love with, a vacuum." That work for ya?