And you thought YOU had a bad day?


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Count your blessings. This guy's last three days were even worse:;_ylt=AhNpteciZ06Fw4ZuylYysftG2ocA

3 days, 3 hospital trips for Tenn. man

ATHENS, Tenn. - It should have been a good week for Tony Hicks, his first days of freedom after a year in jail for assault, theft and burglary. But on Sunday, the day after he got out, Hicks told police that a woman waiting for him outside his apartment hit him with a car, and he went to a hospital.

Then on Monday, Hicks told police a man with a knife broke into his apartment, robbed him and hit him in the head with a coffee mug. He was taken to a hospital.

On Tuesday, Hicks was in a hospital for a third straight day. This time it was for a gunshot wound, and he didn't have to tell police what happened — they were the ones who shot him.
Hmm ... institutionalization?? Or just an *******?
Wouldn't the karma thing mean that the people he assaulted and burgled likely deserved it for something they did?
Well yeah but it's a vicious circle... he didn't have to inflict their bad Karma on them now could he? Could've been someone else.. but since he did it... well.. heh? Stupid is as stupid does don't it?