And The Answer Is

Takai is correct on all 3

the only different answer I might give is on #2 and that would be "to calm the mind like the stillness of water"

1.Japanese for Okinawan karate
2. Eizo Onishi founded what style of karate
3. who was the first American to win a companionship in Sumo

1.Japanese for Okinawan karate
2. Eizo Onishi founded what style of karate
3. who was the first American to win a companionship in Sumo

1. To te
2. Koei-kan Karate do
3. Jesse Kahaulua ( I will not disput Takai's answer But Kahaula is the one I know of. Takai can you give me more information on Akebono Taro (Born Chad Haaheo Rowan)

1. co star of the movie "little sister"
2. Kinhin is what
3. was called "the fighting leatherneck"
1. Don't know

2. Meditation while walking (very popular in the sixties) :)

3. That would be Walter Mattson, my wife's fist Sensei.

1. co star of the movie "little sister"
2. Kinhin is what
3. was called "the fighting leatherneck"


1. Bruce Lee
2. Walking while meditation or between periods of meditation
3. Walter Mattson ( I'll bet his classes where "fun")
1. Capoeira was developed where

2. Aiki yaiso is what
3. Japanese combat art of divine harmony

1. Wille Adams was the owner of one of the largest karate studios in what city
2. Hiji- ate is what
3. 1969 black belt karate instructor of the year

1. Wille Adams was the owner of one of the largest karate studios in what city
2. Hiji- ate is what
3. 1969 black belt karate instructor of the year

1. Detroit ( this was a long time ago and I'm sure Detroit must have a different leader now)
2. elbow strike
3. Fumio Demura
1. discribe Nirvana in a few words

2. Hiraken is what
3. The year Henry Cho arrived in the United Staes
2: Fore-knuckle fist


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