And The Answer Is

Going to leave the last Question post open for one more day then I'll answer it.
Some of our more knowledgeable people on the history of the arts may be able to answer the third question

1. Isshin-ryu, Shrin-ryu, and Shotokan all have "Iron Horse" kata give the other name of this kata

2. name the three older styles of te arts

3. the 30's are considered the golden age of karate in Japan because....(this may take a few lines of type)

Well another 24 hours has passed so I'll answer these

1. Naihanchi is considered the Iron hours form

2. The Shuri are stye stressed external power,....The Naha area style stressed internal principles,.....The Tomari area style stress a combination of both

3. Funakoshi's style developed into Shotokan, Mabuni ( who studied under Funakoshi) style became Shinto-ryu, Miyagi organized his style calling it Goju. The weapons systems of Okinawa which had been part of the TE systems became almost a separate art form (kobudo) , The Japanese kanjji for karate was changed

1. author of "Cho Lay Fut Kung Fu"

2. Kyu-do is what

3. Who was the first Sensei of Aron Banks

1. author of "Cho Lay Fut Kung Fu"

2. Kyu-do is what

3. Who was the first Sensei of Aron Banks


1. Leo Fong

2. Japanese archery was correct

3. Peter Urban was Aron Banks first instructor ( I wonder how many even knew who banks was.........Met him more than a few times )

1. Yojano jitsu is when a Ninja did what

2. taught/teaches(?) Gosoku-ryu karate in Los Angeles and founder of the International Karate Association

3. a Karate master who was in " The Mechanic"
1. Don't know

2 and 3 - Tak Kubuta. (and doesn't he just have that look of a karate master?)

1. Yojano jitsu is when a Ninja did what

2. taught/teaches(?) Gosoku-ryu karate in Los Angeles and founder of the International Karate Association

3. a Karate master who was in " The Mechanic"


1. When a Ninja pretends to be disabled

2 and 3 Tak Kubota is correct for both answers ( ok I tried to fool you folks)

1. Hangestsu-dachi is what

2. Acknowledged as Bruce Lee's main portage ( ok there may be debate on this one)

3. Author of " Weapons Masters of Okinawa"
1. A kata. Okinawan maybe.

2.His main protoge? As you said, this could be argued. I'll say Richard Bustillo

3. Don't know

1. Hangestsu-dachi is what

2. Acknowledged as Bruce Lee's main portage ( ok there may be debate on this one)

3. Author of " Weapons Masters of Okinawa"

LOL Ok I cant spell


1. Half Moon stance

2. Dan Inosanto ..........Richard Bustillo could also be considered ( knew him when I was on the west coast)

3. Sid Cambell

1. Yarijitsu is what

2. Ed McGrath's sensei

3. the Samurai class was abolished in what period of history

1. Ba Ro is what

2. Who opened the first Judo school in San Diego, Cal.?

2. Pro wrestler Butch Reed was known as
1. Not sure, a sword art, maybe.

2. Don't know

3. I used to know this stuff. Don't remember. (Dontcha hate forgetting stuff?)

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