And The Answer Is


1. this is a 2 part question: (a) in what year did a Olympic boxer lose three bouts (b) who was he

2. A Tachi is what

3. A Sekitori is what
2. Slow meditative for relaxation, and health
EDIT : no wait that's tai chi, tachi is what samurai wear (has something to do with the sword, I think I get the terminology mixed up)
1. The one I should know....I got nothing.

2. Something to do with a Samurai sword. Maybe a cutting term?

3. Sumo guy, one at the top of the class structure.

1. this is a 2 part question: (a) in what year did a Olympic boxer lose three bouts (b) who was he

2. A Tachi is what

3. A Sekitori is what


1. 1904 Olympics, Peter Sturholdt

2. Samurai long sword

3. any champion Sumo wrestler

1. Richard Kajiyama introduced what art/style/system to the Hawaiian Islands

2. London boxing terms "peepers" and "nob" mean what

3. Bruce Lee's mothers name
1. I think it was Shotokan

2. Eyes and nose

3. Mom.. (Grace something)

1. Who wrote "the Weaponless Warriors"

2. Who played a martial arts expert in "The Avengers"

3. Hojutsu is/was what

1. Karate ni sente nashi translates to what

2. Where can the saying above be found

3. Who wrote "The Essence of Okinawan Karate-Do"
1. No first attack in Karate - (Which I agree with in the spirit in which it was written - but vehemently disagree with tactically.)

2. In Funakoshi's writings.

3. Don't know

1. Karate ni sente nashi translates to what

2. Where can the saying above be found

3. Who wrote "The Essence of Okinawan Karate-Do"


1. There is no first attack in Karate

2. Can be found in The twenty guiding principles of karate by Gichin Funakoshi or his golden rule ( it is also found inscribed on the monument erected to Gichin Funakoshi in the Zen monastery in Kamakura City )

3. Shoshin Nagamine

1. Heaven and Earth Society was supposedly founded by

2. Noroshi-jutsu was what

3. Peet Cha Gi is what

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