and now, Ann Coulter on democrat public sector unions

The above cbs news article is from national review online, so you will need to check the source, the labor relations institute or whatever it is sighted in the article, I can't see the exact name from this post page, so just look up there to get the exact source.

Another source of information on union political donations:

In 1992, the Teamsters reportedly gave a massive amount of political money to the presidential candidate it knew its membership did not support. According to author Duke Zeller, "As for the actual amount of Teamster money poured into the Clinton-Gore campaign, Gene Giacumbo, a former elected member of [former Teamsters president Ron] Carey's board, believes the total figure to be even higher. 'Carey himself bragged to me that the union gave $56 million to Clinton,' he confirmed, 'and this was after an independent, outside poll the union paid for showed the membership responses preferred Perot, then Bush, with Clinton in third place.'"
Steve, I would like to take a moment to say that i appreciate the phrasing of your question/statement:

"I'd like to know the source of this, as well. This is another pretty severe statement. Would certainly be bad if true, but I'd like to know if this is your... recollection, if you can support it, or if you're pulling a Fox News and saying only that "it's been said that...."

I respect the questioning of my sources, and the challenging of what I say. Our first dust up way back in olden times was a reaction to some of your...word choices...regarding what I had to say. Please, keep asking for confirmation and challenging, it is expected and appreciated. You only get better at this sort of thing by being challenged. As long as we can be polite to one another, this can be fun entertaining, taking my mind for sure, off of daily troubles. I hope it can be the same on your end. Thanks, Bill

From the cato institute: It is a bit long and detailed.
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It's more likely that 90% of union's contributions to political parties go to Democrats. Not 90% of union dues.

And Bill, a lot of the good working conditions and benefits you enjoy in non-union shops is because they have been hard fought by unions elsewhere, and other places in the same industry have to keep up.
that was the past, today, we have osha and a minimum wage, so we dont need unions any more, particuarly not when they 1) have proven to be one sided in thier political donations and 2) corrupt beyond all hope
It's more likely that 90% of union's contributions to political parties go to Democrats. Not 90% of union dues.

I'm not sure why anyone considers this shocking, except of course those pretending to be shocked (also known as "lying") to gin up political support. Why would the unions wish to contribute to those seeking to dismantle unionism entirely? The Serious Persons in the media might consider it fair and wise to fund those seeking your destruction, but most of us have more sense than that.
that was the past, today, we have osha and a minimum wage, so we dont need unions any more, particuarly not when they 1) have proven to be one sided in thier political donations and 2) corrupt beyond all hope

And I casn guarantee that if all unions were abolished, OSHA and minimum wage would quickly erode. Politicians are driven by special interests. Those can be business or unions. If there was not a force to oppose businesses, they would lobby the gov't to relax a lot of rules in the name of 'competitiveness'.
And I casn guarantee that if all unions were abolished, OSHA and minimum wage would quickly erode. Politicians are driven by special interests. Those can be business or unions. If there was not a force to oppose businesses, they would lobby the gov't to relax a lot of rules in the name of 'competitiveness'.

Aren't they already nibbling away on OSHA?

And frankly, minimum wage is a joke, too much to die with, not enough to live from....
Bill, I also find it ironic that you the professed great anti-communist are against the collective bargaining rights of unions , something that people like Lech Walesa fought hard for in the old Soviet Bloc.

Mr. Walesa was a major proponent of trade unions, but do you have any sources regarding his stance on government unions? FDR was also a proponent of unions, but completely disagreed with the idea of having public unions. This isn't necessarily the case of being pro- or anti-union, but more specifically about government or public sector unions.
Ya know ... anything coming from a woman who wants to justify calling people she doesn't agree with >insert generally unaccepted word for gay men which starts with "f" here<, outwardly wishes that yet others she doesn't agree with had been poisoned, and makes grandiose, shocking Rushist statements designed to incite violent reactions ... just doesn't hold any kind of respectable opinion in my book and isn't worth arguing.

It is the mark of someone who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about and doesn't want you to think about it - just *feel* about it.

Buh-bye now!