And convince me, too


Brown Belt
Founding Member
Nov 27, 2001
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The 7th layer of Hell. Wisconsin, to the rest of y
I think that Kaith Rustaz was on to a good thing with his "Convince me, please" thread. Now, being a conservative, I would like to meet him in the middle as well. I would like to know what would make Kerry a good president.

I would also like to make stipulations on this thread...

I don't want it to turn into a bash Bush thread. Citing "He's not Bush" really doesn't do much for me.

I would like to know how he stands on issues.
I would like to know how he plans to follow through on these issues.

In other words, instead of a Bush bash brawl, let's have a Pro-Kerry consensus here. Instead of "You should vote for Kerry because Bush did this:", I would like to hear "You should vote for Kerry because Kerry did or will do this:" I want to hear the other side.

If you can give me this, I promise this will be a sounding board for the Pro-Kerry side, and will not have any counters by me. Those I will save for other threads. %-}
Kerry is not a moral man. He cannot, no he MUST NOT become president.

In my opinion Kerry won't be a strong leader. Heck, he even doesn’t know whether himself supports abortion or not. Do we really need someone as unsure of himself as our commander an chief? Very scary thought.
Kane, thank you for your opinion. However, I want to let this place be a sounding board for those who are for Kerry. I promised not to give my counters, and I would like you to please abide by what I am trying to do.

OK, I just got here. I'll be watching these closely. Stick to the mandated topic of the thread, and we won't experience the previous degeneration. Deadhand, thank you for providing balance to the equation, now there is an appropriate thread for everyone's opinion.

I'm watching.....
A couple of things...

1. I like John Kerry's position on Guns. His push for accountability and safety in gun manufactuers does not infringe on anyones 2nd amendment rights. I am a hunter and I know that I have nothing to worry about regarding this tradition. John Kerry is also a hunter and I believe that he understands the deep tradition hunting represents in America.

2. I also like John Kerry's positions on the environment. I think that his push for a strong EPA. I like that he will put protecting people from pollution ahead of business interests. I like that he supports the creation of more wilderness areas to preserve the natural character of our country.

3. I agree with John Kerry's position on abortion. Personally, he is against it, but he would not deny someone the right to make that decision for themselves. I also believe that by providing people with a social framework to raise their children, he will do more to quell abortion then any republican initiative to ban it will ever do. The writing on the wall in this case is that he believes that legal or not, abortion will happen, so if you want to stop something like this, you need to address the root cause.

4. I agree with John Kerry's plan to roll back the tax cuts and use the money to make America a better place for all citizens.

5. Regarding the War On Terror, I am not sure what I think of Kerry's position. Perhaps someone can clarify...

From the John Kerry Web Site:

John Kerry And John Edwards Support Lifting The Ban On Stem Cell Research. Stem cells hold enormous promise for the development of new treatments for the most devastating diseases. John Kerry and John Edwards believe our medical researchers should be permitted and encouraged to simultaneously pursue embryonic stem cell research. As president, John Kerry will overturn the ban on federal funding of research on new stem cell lines, and he will allow doctors and scientists to explore their full potential with the appropriate ethical oversight.
How about a reduction in the deficit?

Republican John McCain complains about it, stating he doesn't understand what happened to the "party of fiscal responsibility". Yet when you look at the expenditures over the last thirty years EVERY Republican administration has run up the deficit and every Democratic administration has reduced it.

People keep talking about voting for a candidate...they need to remember they're voting for an administration. Kerry will likely bring back Clinton's economic team.

I just now heard Bush say on the news that Kerry planned on taxing the rich "But the rich dodge and you pay." The rich aren't taking a whole lot of umbrage to thier boy saying that, I imagine, given their average $97,000 tax breaks...but I think Kerry will shift the burden back to them and hopefully eliminate some of the "dodges."

The surgeon who did my ACL reconstruction said "If John Kerry wins I'll have to start paying my fair share of taxes." Guess who he's voting for?

Three of the Supremes are ready to retire: Rhenquist, Stevens, and Ginsburg. They've held off. O'Conner is seventy and might step down. Kerry winning will place three more moderates on the Court...and no, a "liberal" wouldn't likely get confirmed unless the Democrats win a stunning majority in the Senate. I doubt that'll happen.

I would love to see a return to a non-interventionist foreign policy that doesn't conduct questionable pre-emptive attacks in lieu of our tradition of containment. I think Kerry will do that.



John Kerry has proposed an 'After-School' program that will benefit 'latch-key' kids. Also as part of this proposal there are additional tax cuts and credits for families. I have posted the information about the 'Schools Open Til 6' part of this plan.

This from the John Kerry Web Site:
The Kerry-Edwards Plan To Honor Work And Family

Plan Will Offer $800 in Additional Tax Cuts for Child Care and Quality Afterschool Programs for 3.5 Million Children

Millions Need Afterschool Care. Today, about 1 in 3 middle school students care for themselves after school. Teen pregnancy, drug use, and alcohol use are more likely among kids without afterschool programs, and juvenile crime triples between the end of the school day and the end of the work day.
Create "School's Open 'Til 6" Afterschool For 3.5 Million Youths. At a time when parents are working longer hours than ever before, they need high-quality afterschool programs. Today, many parents don't have access to these programs, and the existing programs often don't stay open late enough or provide adequate transportation. John Kerry will increase federal support for afterschool from its present level of $1 billion to $2.5 billion in 2007, serving 3.5 million children each year, up by more than 2 million kids from today's level.
Parent-Friendly. Under the Kerry-Edwards plan, afterschool programs will remain open until at least 6:00 in the evening, with school bus transportation coordinated so that students can get home safely.
Every Penny Paid For. The Kerry-Edwards expansion in afterschool is financed through their Education Trust Fund, paid for by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for families making more than $200,000 per year. Specifically, the Kerry-Edwards afterschool program offers full-funding for the afterschool authorization in No Child Left Behind.
I vowed to only vote for the one supporting stem cell research.
Of course, we have 140,000 American soldiers in Iraq today.

Since March of 2003, through September 3, 2004, the US Department of Defense reports that 979 American Soldiers have died in Iraq.

John Kerry states he will work to internationalize the force structure on the ground, as well as work with Iraq's neighboring countries to bring stability. Of course, it will be a big challenge, whomever is President.

From the John Kerry Web Site:
  • Persuade NATO to Make the Security of Iraq one of its Global Missions and to deploy a significant portion of the force needed to secure and win the peace in Iraq. NATO participation will in turn open the door to greater international involvement from non-NATO countries.
  • Internationalize the Non-Iraqi Reconstruction Personnel in Iraq, to share the costs and burdens, end the continuing perception of a U.S. occupation, and help coordinate reconstruction efforts, draft the constitution and organize elections.
  • Launch a Massive and Accelerated Training Effort to Build Iraqi Security Forces that can provide real security for the Iraqi people, including a major role for NATO. This is not a task for America alone; we must join as a partner with other nations.
  • Plan for Iraq’s Future by working with our allies to forgive Iraq’s multi-billion dollar debts and by supporting the development of a new Iraqi constitution and the political arrangements needed to protect minority rights. We will also convene a regional conference with Iraq's neighbors in order to secure a pledge of respect for Iraq's borders and non-interference in Iraq’s internal affairs
With gasoline prices recently at all time highs (thankfully, they have dropped quite a bit around here recently), it might be a good idea to look for other ways of producing energy.

From the John Kerry Web Site:

To create an energy independent America, we will have to do more than use existing energy sources more efficiently. To grow our economy, tap our ingenuity, and protect our environment, we will also have to explore and develop new energy sources.

Under the Kerry-Edwards plan, America will commit its technological and industrial prowess to developing and sustaining clean, renewable sources of fuel. These new sources will not only dramatically reduce our dependence on foreign oil, they will also create new industries, new jobs, and new ways to protect our environment.

Increase The Use Of Domestically Available Renewable Fuels - Such As Ethanol - By 5 Billion Gallons By 2012. The Kerry-Edwards plan will increase the use of renewable fuels such as ethanol and waste biomass, and provide funding and financing mechanisms for further research.

Develop Domestic Supplies In Areas Already Open For Development, including the western and central Gulf of Mexico and the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

Diversify The World Oil Supply To Include Non-OPEC Suppliers. The Kerry-Edwards plan will work to develop new sources of oil from nations like Russia, Canada and non-OPEC countries in Africa.

Increase Renewable Energy Production. The Kerry-Edwards plan will ensure that 20 percent of America's electricity is produced from renewable sources by 2020. Just as domestic renewable energy reduces oil dependence, it can also create electricity and enhance our electricity markets. And growth in these new technologies will create quality jobs, as well as goods and services for export. To increase renewable energy production, the Kerry-Edwards Energy Plan will provide:
  • Incentives for producers. No single solution can meet all of our society's future energy needs - we will need a diverse group of energy technologies. Predictable and stable federal policies are critical to achieving this goal. A key priority will be ensuring that the federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind and biomass is applicable to the full array of renewable technologies, since the unpredictability of frequent short term extensions of the PTC has greatly hindered investment and expansion of the industry in the United States.
  • Incentives for investment. Like any other business development, clean energy technologies and projects need capital to get off the ground. John Kerry and John Edwards believe that we can improve access to financing for clean energy and will work with the investor community to find ways to encourage additional investment.
  • Funding and support for more research. John Kerry and John Edwards will increase funding available to research renewable energy, offering the prospect of both technical advances and the development of an enhanced supply chain.
You may be like most Americans, living daily in the 'mushy middle'. You are probably not wealthy (so few of us are), and you are probably not living in poverty (but too many of us are). If you are like me, you someday hope to have enough of anything to be considered wealthy, and if you get there, it will certainly be nice to get all those breaks and privleges we read about in the political debate. However, for now, you, like me, are probably living firmly in the middle class.

A Plan To Strengthen The Middle Class
John Kerry and John Edwards will work to expand and strengthen America's middle class like never before. They will:
(1) cut middle class taxes,
(2) cuts costs in everything from health care to education to gas,
(3) close the pay gap between men and women,
(4) raise the minimum wage, and
(5) help all Americans balance the competing demands of work and family.

Propose At Least $250 Billion In Tax Cuts For Health Care, Child Care, and Education - Without Increasing the Deficit By One Dime. As president, John Kerry will close corporate tax loopholes and use some of the money gained from repealing Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - families making over $200,000 a year - to pay for tax credits without increasing the deficit by one dime. The Kerry-Edwards tax cuts include:
  • A tax credit on up to $4,000 of college tuition
  • A tax credit to help small businesses and vulnerable workers pay for health care and buy into John Kerry's new Congressional Health Plan.
  • A tax credit on $5,000 of child care expenses
Ensure Equal Pay for Men and Women

On average, women still earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. John Kerry and john Edwards believe that we must make equal pay for equal work a reality, not a slogan. They will ensure greater transparency and fairness by improving enforcement and disclosure about companies' payment practices.
Raise the Minimum Wage

Today, the minimum wage is currently worth only 33 percent of average American wages - its lowest level since 1949. John Kerry and John Edwards understand that today's eroded wage no longer meet the needs of American families. As president, John Kerry will increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.00 by 2007. That will give 7 million Americans a raise, and help millions of families pay for basic needs like education, food and health care. With this increase, parents working full-time will not have to raise their children in poverty.
I would like to personally thank the posters in this thread for giving a new light to Kerry. For the most part, I have been subjected to Bush bashing when asked why Kerry is the better candidate. I like that people are giving reasons why to vote for Kerry as opposed to why not to vote for Bush. I think this thread has kept far from degenerating, thanks to the posters abiding by the stipulations.

Thanks :asian:
Quality Health Care For All

John Kerry and John Edwards believe that our shared belief in fairness and equality should drive us to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, high-quality, and reliable health care. Today, too many Americans lack health care coverage for their ailments because of their income, their gender, the color of their skin, a mental illness, or a disability. We cannot allow this discrimination to exist in the greatest nation in the world.

Pass a Real Patients' Bill of Rights

Ensuring that all Americans receive the care they need means creating a real Patient's Bill of Rights. They will push Congress to pass a real Patients' Bill of Rights that allows Americans to hold HMOs accountable for decisions that harm patients by denying necessary medical care. Other critical patient protections John Kerry and John Edwards will support include:
  • A right to see the specialists they need
  • A right to real emergency protections
  • A real external appeals process that allows patients to appeal a HMO decision
  • Whistleblower protections that allow health care workers to report quality problems without fear of retaliation

End Minority Health Disparities

Our nation still struggles to close disparities in health care access, care, and outcomes. Today, minorities continue to live sicker and die younger in America. African Americans are one-third more likely than all other Americans to die from cancer and they have the highest rate of hypertension in the world. On average, Hispanic Americans possess the least insurance, with one in three possessing no coverage at all. Native Americans struggle with what can only be called an epidemic of diabetes, with rates near 50 percent in certain tribes. The tremendous gains that we have witnessed in science and medicine have benefited millions of our citizens, but too often they are out of reach for minorities.

John Kerry and John Edwards understand that the need is great and the time is now to improve the health of those Americans who have been left behind. They will work to eliminate minority health disparities by expanding health insurance to 95 percent of Americans and every American child, improving language access programs in medical facilities, and ensuring access to quality care through greater disease management and prevention efforts.

Ensure Mental Health Parity

Ensuring equality in health care also includes ending discrimination for Americans with mental illnesses. Many Americans forgo treatment because of financial penalties in their insurance plans or fear of being stigmatized by others. John Kerry and John Edwards will fight for mental health parity to end all discrimination against those with mental illnesses - and to end the social stigma attached to mental illness.

Ensure Freedom, Independence, and Choices for Americans with Disabilities

John Kerry and John Edwards believe that we must fight to ensure that people with disabilities can meet their potential and fully participate in the American dream. While we have made great strides by helping people with disabilities return to work without losing their health care, it's time to make sure that parents caring for children with disabilities can keep their jobs without worrying about paying for their kids' health care bills. John Kerry and John Edwards also support expanding the Medicaid program so people with disabilities have more options for community and home-based care. As president, John Kerry will work to implement the Olmstead decision to make personal assistance services and supports available to people with disabilities in their homes and communities - because no one should be kept in institutional care if they prefer to live elsewhere and can do so with the dignity they deserve.

Improve Women's Health

Nearly one in five women below the age of 65 lack health insurance. As the economy has lagged, states have been forced to cut Medicaid budgets and businesses have been pushed to trim health care coverage and benefits - with women disproportionately affected. John Kerry and John Edwards will ensure that women have access to affordable, quality coverage that provides specialty care and preventive services, as well as wellness check-ups for their children. And they will work to improve the economy and shore up our Social Security and Medicare programs, which predominantly serve America's women.
Health care can't be stressed enough. We are the ONLY modern industrialized nation that can't provide healthcare for all of our citizens. We talk about being one nation...a community...and then fail to take care of our citizens.

My knee surgery cost $12,000. If I hadn't had my wife's health insurance, I likely wouldn't have even gone to the doctor for the MRI. Even WITH the insurance we're paying a hefty amount for our portion of the bill. Its about time we joined the 21st century.

Note: We've all heard the horror stories from Great Britain of socialized medicine and lethal incompetence on the part of certain doctors. In Scandanavia the health care is superb. It CAN be done.

Kerry had the following to say on the issue:

DES MOINES, Iowa Sept. 9, 2004 — Democrat John Kerry said Thursday he would cut health care costs that have soared the past four years during the Bush administration while millions have lost their health insurance.

Bush "hasn't even tried" to lower the costs, Kerry said in an interview with The Associated Press.

In the interview and a round-table forum focused on health care, Kerry pointed to a new report that showed a double-digit increase in insurance premiums for the fourth year in a row and a drop in workers receiving health care from their employers.

"Five million people have lost their health insurance under George Bush. America can do better," Kerry said in the interview. Bush could have worked to lower costs, "and he hasn't even tried," Kerry said.

AND BUSH had the following to say this week on medical issues:

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites) offered an unexpected reason on Monday for cracking down on frivolous medical lawsuits: "Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

Which really, when it boils down to it, is the reason I didn't go into medicine after getting my B.A.


I am an avid fisherman. So far this year, I have caught and released over 100 trout, mostly rainbow & brookies. These fish are very sensative to environmental changes. What does Senator Kerry have to say of the environment:

Create Cleaner, Greener Communities

Together, we can improve the environment in backyards and communities across America. John Kerry and John Edwards will revitalize contaminated industrial sites, get toxins out of communities, guarantee our children access to clean, safe parks and baseball fields, and take on traffic congestion and sprawl.
Enact A Conservation Covenant With America

John Kerry and John Edwards believe that Americans are united in our respect for the land. They will enact a Conservation Covenant with America to ensure balanced protection for our public lands and adequate resources to enhance our national parks.
Protect Our Health By Reducing Dangerous Air Emissions

As president, John Kerry will reverse the Bush-Cheney rollbacks to our Clean Air Act, plug loopholes in the law, take aggressive action to stop acid rain, and use innovative, job-creating programs to reduce mercury emissions and other emissions that contribute to global warming.

Restore America's Waters

Today, approximately 45 percent of our nation's waterways do not meet the "drinkable, swimmable and fishable" standard set out by the Clean Water Act 30 years ago. As president, John Kerry will implement a "Restore America's Waters" campaign, an integrated approach to protecting our precious, limited water resources. He will work with states on the toughest water quality challenges, restore damaged watersheds, protect wetlands, invest in our waterfronts and coastal communities, and protect our oceans.
John Kerry has published a book that states his positions. This book can be purchased at all the major bookstores. This book can be downloaded in PDF format at no charge.


Restore America's Respect in the World and Make us Independent of Mideast Oil

Today, we face four great challenges above all others - First, to win the global war against terror; Second, to stop the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; Third, to promote democracy, freedom, and opportunity around the world, starting by winning the peace in Iraq; Fourth, end our dependence on Mideast oil. To meet these challenges, Kerry and Edwards will:
  • Launch and Lead A New Era Of Alliances.
    The threat of terrorism demands alliances on a global scale - to utilize every available resource to get the terrorists before they can strike us. Kerry-Edwards will lead a coalition of the able - because no force on earth is more able than the United States and its Allies.
  • Modernize The World's Most Powerful Military To Meet New Threats.
    Kerry-Edwards will ensure that our forces are fully prepared for the dangerous and vital missions they may face, and that America's military always remains second to none. We must extend our capabilities to better face new threats of terrorism, failed states and homeland defense.
  • Deploy All That Is In America's Arsenal.
    The war on terror cannot be won by military might alone. Kerry - Edwards will deploy all the forces in America's arsenal - our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, and the appeal of our values and ideas - to make America more secure and prevent a new generation of terrorists from emerging.
  • Free America From Its Dangerous Dependence On Mideast Oil.
    To secure our full independence and freedom, we must free America from its dangerous dependence on Mideast oil. By tapping American ingenuity, we can achieve that goal while growing our economy and protecting our environment. Kerry-Edwards will create a new energy and conservation trust fund to accelerate the development of innovative technologies, such as more efficient cars and trucks, the development of biofuels, and creating clean, secure, hydrogen-based energy. Kerry-Edwards will also expand the supply of natural gas, assure 20% of electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020, and make clean coal part of our energy solution.
Create New Jobs, Strengthen the Middle Class, and Ensure Educational Opportunity
  • Reward Companies that Create Jobs in America.
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will end tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas and use the savings to reduce the corporate tax rate by 5 percent, cutting taxes for 99 percent of corporations. The Kerry-Edwards plan also includes a New Jobs Tax Credit for new hiring in manufacturing, other businesses affected by outsourcing, and small businesses.
  • Strengthen the Middle Class.
    As incomes decline and costs rise, families are having a hard time paying their bills, let alone saving for tomorrow. Health care costs are up by nearly 50 percent, college tuition has increased by 35 percent, and gas prices have skyrocketed. A Kerry-Edwards administration will provide relief to middle class families by cutting taxes and investing in health care and education.
  • Invest in the Jobs of the Future.
    To keep America competitive for the future, a Kerry-Edwards administration will invest in research and technology and provide tax credits to unleash innovation in broadband, energy and small business. They will also provide a tax credit on up to $4,000 for each of four years of college tuition. And they will work for responsible immigration laws that honor America's promise and strengthen America's economy and security.
  • Restore Fiscal Discipline to Washington.
    Kerry and Edwards have a record of fiscal discipline that is absent in this administration, and they have promised to live within the budget principles that helped lead this nation to balance the budget. Their plan will cut the deficit in half in four years, increasing economic confidence and keep interest rates from rising.
Provide High-Quality Health Care, Improve Education, and Strengthen Families
  • Up to $1,000 of Health Care Premium Relief
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will provide relief for employers who offer their employees quality health coverage by helping out with certain high cost health cases - saving families up to $1,000 per year.
  • A Health Plan for Every Child
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will pick up the full cost of the more than 20 million children enrolled in Medicaid. In exchange, states will expand eligibility for children's health coverage and low-income adults and enroll every child automatically.
  • Manage Skyrocketing Health Care Costs
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will improve health outcomes while reducing health care costs by cutting administrative costs, waste, fraud, and abuse; enhancing disease management efforts; and reforming malpractice insurance.
  • World Class Education
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will support more resources and more reform in our schools. The plan will fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act so students have smaller classes and more textbooks. The plan will make reform work for our schools, supporting innovations in public schools like smaller schools, all-girls schools focused on math and science, and charter schools. And the plan will invest in afterschool programs so that 3.5 million children have a safe, quality place to go after school.
  • Every Classroom Has a Great Teacher
    The Kerry-Edwards plan will raise teacher pay, especially in the schools and subjects where great teachers are in the shortest supply, and will improve teachers' professional development and training opportunities. At the same time, the plan will create rigorous new tests for new teachers; provide higher pay for teachers who have extra skills and excel in helping children learn; and ensure fast, fair procedures for improving or removing teachers who do not perform well on the job, while preserving protections from arbitrary dismissal.
  • Every Young Person Graduates
    Today 3 in 10 young people do not finish high school, and half of Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans don't graduate. Kerry-Edwards will keep better track of graduation rates to hold schools accountable for raising them; will offer more tutoring and mentoring to at-risk youth; will make big high schools smaller when they are not working for their students; and will strengthen the high school curriculum so all students can graduate with a meaningful diploma.
Osama Bin Laden ... remember him ?

Kerry Pledges to Fight a More Effective War on Terror

For Immediate Release



Philadelphia, PA - Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry Friday pledged to fight a more effective war on terror, using America’s full force to destroy the terrorists before they get us. Delivering remarks in Philadelphia, Kerry vowed to wage the war on terror with a single-minded determination on capturing or killing the terrorists, crushing their movement and freeing the world from fear.

“My fellow Americans, the most urgent national security challenge we face is the war against those who attacked our country on September 11th, the war against Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda,” Kerry said. “As president, I will fight a tougher, smarter, more effective war on terror. My priority will be to find and capture or kill the terrorists before they get us – and I will never take my eye off the ball.”

Since September 11th, President Bush has made the wrong choices in the war on terror, from letting Osama Bin Laden escape our grasp to failing to implement the 9/11 recommendations to diverting resources from fighting al Qaeda.

“George Bush made Saddam Hussein the priority,” Kerry said. “I would have made Osama bin Laden the priority. As president, I will finish the job in Iraq and refocus our energies on the real war on terror.”

Today terrorists are striking across the globe, with more terrorist attacks in the world last year than the year before. The president has said this war cannot be won, and then said something different. The Defense Secretary has questioned whether the radicals are recruiting and training more terrorists than we are capturing or killing.

In his remarks, Kerry laid out seven key points in his plan to win the war on terror.

First, Kerry will strengthen our military. His plan will transform the world's most powerful military to better address the modern threats of terrorism and proliferation. Second, he will deny terrorists the weapons they seek by securing nuclear materials worldwide and implementing port and bio-terrorism security strategies.

Third, Kerry will cut off terrorist finances, and fourth, he will make homeland security a real priority, backed up by real resources.

Fifth, Kerry will launch a strategy to win the war of ideas to prevent terrorists from poisoning more minds. Sixth, he will promote democracy and freedom throughout the Muslim world.

Finally, Kerry will rebuild America’s strong alliances, critical not only to our military operations but in everything we do to track down and capture terrorists.

As Kerry said, “If we again become that beacon of hope, we will discover in ourselves the most powerful and useful weapons in the war against the terrorists. Because if we are true to ourselves, terrorists cannot defeat the values and vision that have made America great.”
Immigration ..... How America became what it is today.

As president, John Kerry will offer a reform bill in his first 100 days that allows immigrants to earn legalization, encourages family reunification, and strengthens our border protections. By reforming our immigration laws, John Kerry and John Edwards will honor America's promise and strengthen America's economy and security as we strive together for a nation that is safer and more free.

Immediately Sign Two Bipartisan Reform Bills

Reward Students Who Study Hard and Play by the Rules. John Kerry strongly supports the DREAM Act, sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), which will give young people who consider the United States their home, who have worked hard in school, and have stayed out of trouble the chance to go to college and pursue their dreams. The DREAM Act has broad bipartisan support and would be law today if George Bush supported it. As president, John Kerry will make it a priority to make the DREAM Act the law of the land.

Offer a Fair Deal for Farmworkers. John Kerry supports the AgJobs bill, which is sponsored by Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) and has 62 Senate cosponsors. This bill will secure the rights and futures for hard-working, honorable agricultural workers and will secure a legal labor force for America's farmers. Once again, this bill would be law today but for George Bush's failure to support it. As president, John Kerry will make this law a reality.

Offer an Immigration Reform Bill Within First 100 Days

In their first hundred days, John Kerry and John Edwards will offer a comprehensive immigration reform bill with four basic components. And they will work tirelessly until their reform becomes law.

Earned Legalization. Under the Kerry-Edwards approach, undocumented workers who have lived and worked here for 5 years, who pay taxes, and who are successfully screened for security purposes will have a path to citizenship. As president, John Kerry will also expand opportunities to learn English and obtain civic education classes to help immigrants assume all of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Reuniting Families. As president, John Kerry will eliminate the massive administrative backlog and delay that has left many families unnecessarily divided for a decade or more. Our nation's immigration system must be able to more quickly reunite husbands with wives, parents with children. Legal permanent residents seeking to reunify with spouses and children must be provided a fair and efficient process to do so.

Visa Program with Worker Protections. As president, John Kerry will establish a secure channel for a limited number of temporary workers to come into the United States. To protect all working people in the United States, John Kerry will ensure that these temporary workers have the protections of U.S. employment and labor laws, including fair wage protections. These protections must be rigorously enforced.

Stronger Border Security

As an integral part of his reform, John Kerry will reach an accord with neighboring countries to improve security along our borders and stop illegal smuggling. He will improve our nation's security databases and watchlists and better control the borders to ensure that people who intend to harm us cannot cross our borders.