An evening in the Trailer Park....


From this article:

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - [size=-1]A man who swung an alligator at his girlfriend during an argument was sentenced to six months in jail. [/size]


David Havenner, 41, of Port Orange, pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges of battery and possession of an alligator, said Linda Pruitt, spokeswoman for the State Attorney's Office. He changed his earlier plea of not guilty, she said Wednesday.

He was sentenced to six month in jail with 48 days credit for time served during the Sept. 1 hearing, according to court records.

Sheriff's officials said Havenner was keeping the 3-foot gator in his bathtub and swung it at his girlfriend, Nancy Monico, 39, during an argument on July 16.

Monico told investigators that Havenner beat her with his fists, then grabbed the gator and swung it at her as she tried to escape. The gator struck Monico at least once, after which time Havenner threw empty beer bottles at her and then kicked her out of their mobile home, she told investigators.

Havenner told investigators that Monico bit his hand because she was upset that they had run out of alcohol.

The alligator was later released into the St. Johns River, wildlife commission officials said.


I can't figure out where to start. Beating significant other? gator in tub? Deciding, like a genius, to use a live animal as a club, rather than an inanimate object? Biting because of lack of alcohol?

This is like a meditation to empty the mind. :)
i'm guessing they took the alligator out of the tub before bathing
I am wondering if the animal will come back for a beer and a bite to eat at this guy's house?
It's Daytona Beach!Between the hard core rednecks and the large population of bikers,What do expect?
I'm sorry, but smacking someone with an alligator just isn't inventive enough. Why not just lock the person in the bathroom with it, bar the door and let nature take its course?
shesulsa said:
I'm sorry, but smacking someone with an alligator just isn't inventive enough. Why not just lock the person in the bathroom with it, bar the door and let nature take its course?

Hmmmm, The Bathroom. Razor Blades to attack and the cut up the skin later. I could use dental flosse for thread to make the hand bags, yet I need something more sturdy for the boots and or shoes. Maybe I could take the towels or other clothes apart for thread?

For some reason, I think this was not the course She-Sulsa was thinking. ;)

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