Amok 9 count knife angles

Tom, I'm around San Bernardino/Riverside area in CA, is there an AMOK! trainer in this area? Thank you.
Whoever you are, thank you for your answer.

Hey Tom glad to have you here on MartialTalk! I find what I have heard about your AMOK system to be interesting and would definately like to check it out sometime. If you are not giving one or two day instructor license's out in your art then that is great as that is something I cannot condone and something I have seen all to often in the Law Enforcement Defensive Tactic's world. Anyway's we are definately glad to have you here and hope that you will update us regularly on what is happening in the AMOK world and also post particularly in our knife forum details on how an AMOK trained person might do something. Thanks again for joining!

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