Utterly concur with that latter observation, my friend.
An addition to that which we are seeing over here is the use of lethal weapons as a first option in confrontations.
I will not try to pretend that weapons were never used in fights or disputes in years gone by.
After all, I have seen bike chains, nunchaku, crowbars and knives used in pitched battles in the street. I have been shot at (because I was with the wrong person at the wrong time) and had a shotgun literally stuffed up my nose when I walked through the wrong door at an inopportune moment
So I'm not speaking of a rose-tinted past full of Paladins
However, to use a weapon as a first resort in a one-on-one fight was a cause for enduring shame. To use one if the other guy did not pull one first, the same. To have your mates beat up someone who had beaten you in a fair fight was likewise a stigma that stayed for ever.
How did this get away from us to the extent that we have 'teens knifing each other to death in the streets as if it was no more than a video game?
An addition to that which we are seeing over here is the use of lethal weapons as a first option in confrontations.
I will not try to pretend that weapons were never used in fights or disputes in years gone by.
After all, I have seen bike chains, nunchaku, crowbars and knives used in pitched battles in the street. I have been shot at (because I was with the wrong person at the wrong time) and had a shotgun literally stuffed up my nose when I walked through the wrong door at an inopportune moment

So I'm not speaking of a rose-tinted past full of Paladins

However, to use a weapon as a first resort in a one-on-one fight was a cause for enduring shame. To use one if the other guy did not pull one first, the same. To have your mates beat up someone who had beaten you in a fair fight was likewise a stigma that stayed for ever.
How did this get away from us to the extent that we have 'teens knifing each other to death in the streets as if it was no more than a video game?