American Kenpo Videos - Master Tabatabai

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well what about the hand signals... been waiting all day, besides, I'm Rainman dammit:p

How bout this: what sort of an offensive or defensive weapons do the handsignals make (short 1 to 6):rtfm:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

and what is rtfm mean?

I dunno what rftm means... I liked the eyebrow movement
though :rofl:

Short 2 signals: heel palm and a nostral rip. Works well as an insert to leaping crane if it is done using a kick down behind the right knee. That is one way to rip a nose off.

Originally posted by Kirk

hehehe ... Read The Fargin Manual!

Only it's not "fargin" :D

That is cool- now I don't have to list Infinite Insights anymore- I can use that smiley:cheers:
Originally posted by Rainman
Short 2 signals: heel palm and a nostral rip. Works well as an insert to leaping crane if it is done using a kick down behind the right knee. That is one way to rip a nose off.

Now where did you come up with that?
I did it, then had to go in search of a movement that matched it. If you turn your hand palm facing you (with fingers in short 2 formation) You will notice something should fit in there. A long time ago a friend of mine interpreted the close of long 4 as a heel palm sandwich... I then learned every movement should have offensive and defensive ideas attatched to them in order to avoid wasted motion.

Then again I try to find it in all movements, then I can practice all the time

closely....... there are an incredible amount of interesting little "extras" that you will see....


(those are called "accent marks") wink
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

closely....... there are an incredible amount of interesting little "extras" that you will see....


(those are called "accent marks") wink

Hmmm what is an example you use... or are they samting?

The hand signals start on the left side don't they?

Have they always been a part of the forms or were they put there later?

They have all started on the left then go to the right, then up and out to the cat position...... but some do it backwards...... like the mis print in book 5 to see who learned from a book and who learned from an actual instructor.

You NEVER start on the right side even if you are doin only 1/2 the form.

Originally posted by Klondike93
Can you explain the reasons for the hand signals, and why they start where they do?

Originally it was to signal the judges non verbally what form you were doing..... so you start on the left to show the judges on that side then to the right then from the right lower side you simply raise up without crossing your body and advance the salutation to completion.


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