American Kenpo technique or horrible scifi novel tiein?

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Yellow Belt
This will send me to negrep hell, but nevertheless I must do it.

The title pretty much explains the goal of this game. Guess which is which.
Kenpo people and fans of Lustbader and Stackpole, you are free to reply, but please color your answers so that they are the same as the background (meaning you must highlight them to read).

Wall of thorns
Mace of destruction
Bred for war
Stunning fist
Assumption of risk
Eye of argon
Malicious intent
Dance of death
Forces of darkness
Circles of destruction
Black Dragon
Finger of Death
Spurning the Storm
Crushing Hand
Binding force
Circle of death
Falcon rising
Clutch of death
Deviated destruction
Storms of fate
Dagger point
Intelectual Departure
Lone Kimono
Burning soul
Gift of Destruction
Falcons of Force
Roar of honor
Eagle's Splendor
Cross of Destruction
Flight to Freedom
dead right there
Shield & Sword
Alive and well
Iron body
Gift of Destiny
Gathering Clouds
Circling the Horizon
Expeditious Retreat
Illusions of victory
Detour from Doom
Circle of Doom
tactics of duty
Shadows of war
righteous might
Hearts of Chaos
sword and fire
crushing hand
threads of ambition

In addition, there are some on this list which fit in neither category, but rather a third category I will not name. Try to guess where they come from. There is at least one, possibly more, which fit into more than one category. You get tongue if you can succesfully name it/them. Two of them I simply made up. If you can swing that, we can go to second base tonight.
Huh?? I've never read Lustbader or Stackpole, so maybe I shouldn't bother replying. But I am a Kenpo person. What exactly is going on here?
I mean really, how many battletech novels must you list:

Bred for War
Assumption of Risk
Malicious Intent
Falcon Rising
Dagger Point
Roar of Honor
Tactics of Duty
Hearts of Chaos
Threads of Ambition
And keep your tongue to yourself....

thesensei said:
Huh?? I've never read Lustbader or Stackpole, so maybe I shouldn't bother replying. But I am a Kenpo person. What exactly is going on here?
Some of the titles listed are the names of American Kenpo techniques.
Some are the names of sci-fi novels.
Your job (should you choose to accept it): identify which is which.
Or, you could try stacking greasy beebees with tweezers.
One will be as satisfying as the other.
Ubermint said:
In addition, there are some on this list which fit in neither category, but rather a third category I will not name. Try to guess where they come from. There is at least one, possibly more, which fit into more than one category. You get tongue if you can succesfully name it/them. Two of them I simply made up. If you can swing that, we can go to second base tonight.
This is just dumb :idunno: ! What's your point?
This was done over at Bullshido by Hedgehogey, a moderator over there.

Basically, they're poking fun at the rather fantasy-sounding names of American Kenpo techniques.

As a fellow Kenpo practitioner, I understant that it's easy to get bent out of shape when someone pokes fun at your style...but lets get serious! The names of some of these techniques are just funny!

Circle of Death? Flight of the Falcons? Intellectual Departure?

Unless you're speaking to a fellow Kenpoist, it is really hard to refer to the technique names with a straight face.

Keep in mind again that I am a Kenpoist, and I understand that the names have a purpose...but you still have to admit that some of the names sound like Sci Fi novels.

May you achieve
Satori said:
This was done over at Bullshido by Hedgehogey, a moderator over there.
That's VERY INTERESTING, since hedgehogey was banned from here previously.
Yeah he's been banned from a number of forms, but fit right in over there... you do the math :)

BTW fun game, but i prefer stacking the BBs.
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