America: Freedom to Fascism

It's about time. I've been wondering for the last four years why allmost all of America has had their heads up their, well, you know. Let's face it people, if you look at the trend that our national government is following, we will become a police state.
All gun owners: When it becomes a potential "terrorist" threat for the public to own guns, your registered guns will be taken away from you.
That information is nothing new to me, I have known this information for years. Finally someone is making a movie to expose it.
And the population will ignore it, or rally loudly in support of it, up to the first commercial break.
Bob Hubbard said:
And the population will ignore it, or rally loudly in support of it, up to the first commercial break.

Unfortunately. For most of them, as long as they have football and beer, they care not what happens, and that is a shame.
Bigshadow said:
...they care not what happens...

It's just like when Rome fell. The people were so detatched from and apathetic about their government that they didn't care in the least when Alexander swept through. And an army is about what it will take to change our wonderful national government.
Anyone up for gathering 2-3 million of their friends and marching?
Bigshadow said:
That information is nothing new to me, I have known this information for years. Finally someone is making a movie to expose it.

When you think about it, you can see it going back decades. Just like frogs in a gradually heated stock pot?
Naw, we'll have lots of company once they start locking us up in the secret prisons. LOL!

Seriously though, one has to wonder. If a million Americans actually got off their lazy, fat, complacent asses, and took the time to march on the capital, to voice and peacefully display their disgust and disapproval, would they be met with ears willing to listen. Or would they be arrested, beaten, teargassed, and possibly shot. Would they find military troops reinforcing capital police, roads blocked and routes barred?

One wonders. A free society would not resort to such behavior. But a free society we are not, IMHO.
Bob Hubbard said:
Seriously though, one has to wonder. If a million Americans actually got off their lazy, fat, complacent asses, and took the time to march on the capital, to voice and peacefully display their disgust and disapproval, would they be met with ears willing to listen. Or would they be arrested, beaten, teargassed, and possibly shot. Would they find military troops reinforcing capital police, roads blocked and routes barred?

They wouldn't be arrested, beaten, or any of that. The goverment controlled media would tell the world that the demonstrators are nutcases. When the rest of America sees/reads this they will sit back on their recliners and breath a dumb *** sigh of relief. Our nation's collective stupidity will ruin any chance of change.
JBrainard said:
They wouldn't be arrested, beaten, or any of that. The goverment controlled media would tell the world that the demonstrators are nutcases. When the rest of America sees/reads this they will sit back on their recliners and breath a dumb *** sigh of relief. Our nation's collective stupidity will ruin any chance of change.
Nah, the media spin machine would start throwing out the idea that they're subversives working for a new homegrown terrorist cell and are trying to overthrow the government. That way, the police don't have to worry about anything, since your fear-mongering neighbor will probably turn you in him/herself. Then he/she feels better about his/her country since he/she got to "make a difference".

Scary, eh?
Having read several reports of smaller protests in NY and Seattle, where the situations went south fast, where the cops backed their horses right up into old women, where tear gas was used liberally, and where people were randomly just grabbed and tossed in vans, as well as many other "actions of concern", I seriously have to wonder. But I agree, the media would make them out to be nuts, the cops would be given free reign to do as they please and to 'set up' events, while the feds would gather the most vocal of the group and label them "enemy combatants" and ship them out of the country. The continued downward spiral is what makes me fear for what can happen in 2008...
Under the dictatorship of Saddam, regular Iraqi citizens lived in fear of even speaking out against the government in a coffee shop or at the market lest they should be overheard by secret agents, or unknowingly end up speaking directly to them. There were 3 armies in Iraq. The one for external matters, the one for internal matters, and a secret and invisible one in place specifically for the reinforcement, protection, and perpetuation of the Hussein regime. The media was completely unreliable, and most certainly spoke only of approved truths or mistruths it was fed. The entire regime was constructed and ruled in a way that was totally unchangeable, unless by some stronger, committed, and financially able outside force.

I can empathize with the idea that it's 'possible' that some might fear that this may look like their future should current patterns continue along a specific path.


My question would be as to the bare, exposed intent behind such an assumedly 'planned' endeavour. Surely most with such acuity, foresight, and discipline would understand that these things rarely last nor provide true contentment, and usually end in death. At least, one would expect.
JBrainard said:
They wouldn't be arrested, beaten, or any of that. The goverment controlled media would tell the world that the demonstrators are nutcases. When the rest of America sees/reads this they will sit back on their recliners and breath a dumb *** sigh of relief. Our nation's collective stupidity will ruin any chance of change.

I believe your right. Conspiracy theorists, nut cases, radical right wingers, all sorts of things, they would call them.
Flatlander said:
My question would be as to the bare, exposed intent behind such an assumedly 'planned' endeavour. Surely most with such acuity, foresight, and discipline would understand that these things rarely last nor provide true contentment, and usually end in death. At least, one would expect.

I don't think that these people with acuity, foresight, and discipline care if it lasts. As long as they get their money now, to hell with the future. Just look at Bush's tax breaks for the rich and how he took our national deficit to a new high. I don't see the foresight in those kinds of actions.
I am not so sure it is a "grand" scheme or there is a "master" plan that spans centuries or anything of that magnitude. I tend to believe there exists shorter term plans that are designed by the greedy cabal that control the wealth, each building onto the previously established plan. Much like a process set in motion that generates it's own momentum and direction. I don't believe any one of them can stop what they do, it is their nature. Ever hear the story of the scorpion and the frog?

One thing is for certain, things have been spinning out of control.
Bigshadow said:
I am not so sure it is a "grand" scheme or there is a "master" plan that spans centuries or anything of that magnitude. I tend to believe there exists shorter term plans that are designed by the greedy cabal that control the wealth, each building onto the previously established plan. Much like a process set in motion that generates it's own momentum and direction. I don't believe any one of them can stop what they do, it is their nature. Ever hear the story of the scorpion and the frog?

One thing is for certain, things have been spinning out of control.

Yeah, what he said :)
Bigshadow said:
Ever hear the story of the scorpion and the frog?


Watching stuff like that... just makes me feel helpless. My political beliefs have never had much company. What can you do when the government is in a state as it is?

I think a lot off people dont do anything because they don't know WHAT to do which would have more positive effect than negative effect.

Who wants to be teargassed, labeled as a nutcase, and then ignored?