Amazing Sparring Routine

Well it was an impressive bit of athleticism, but it is a two-man form and that means it is choreographed. it builds good skills, but I doubt they could actually evade a spear like that if a skilled spearman was actually trying to stab them for real.

Also, if you did manage to grab the spear, which is doubtful, you would not be able to break it. Those waxwood staffs, while flexible, are actually pretty tough. It is highly unlikely you could break it without some real effort that would be unrealistic in the heat of battle. You'd have to deliberately smash it across a concrete block, or something.

A real spear is not just sharp at the point, but also has a sharp edge on both sides of the blade. It would be really tough to grab without getting seriously cut, while it is stabbing back and forth that quickly. This is why in the Chinese arts, the spear is known as King of Weapons. It has a long reach, is very fast, and difficult to defend against.
Flying Crane said:
Well it was an impressive bit of athleticism, but it is a two-man form and that means it is choreographed. it builds good skills, but I doubt they could actually evade a spear like that if a skilled spearman was actually trying to stab them for real.

Also, if you did manage to grab the spear, which is doubtful, you would not be able to break it. Those waxwood staffs, while flexible, are actually pretty tough. It is highly unlikely you could break it without some real effort that would be unrealistic in the heat of battle. You'd have to deliberately smash it across a concrete block, or something.

A real spear is not just sharp at the point, but also has a sharp edge on both sides of the blade. It would be really tough to grab without getting seriously cut, while it is stabbing back and forth that quickly. This is why in the Chinese arts, the spear is known as King of Weapons. It has a long reach, is very fast, and difficult to defend against.
I guess I would get stabbed then, makes sence. I hope I never have to defend against a spear!
DeLamar.J said:
I guess I would get stabbed then, makes sence. I hope I never have to defend against a spear!

That makes two of us!
Great routine, alot of work to get the details done.
terryl965 said:
Great routine, alot of work to get the details done.

Agreed! And if someone made a mistake: ouch.

I imagine they must have put hours and hours into that routine before speeding it up that fast.

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