Amatsu Tatara Taikai


Green Belt
Apr 6, 2009
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Greetings, persons and individuals.

I was wondering whether people here were planning (or have indeed already registered) to attend the Amatsu Tatata Taikai Tanemura sensei will give this summer in Ireland. The focus of the Taikai is on shumon rather than Bumon. I look forward to it immensely, as I am sure others do too.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the Ireland Taikai (it's quite a bit pricey for me at this time, given the current financial climate). However, I will most definitely be attending the Canadian Koto-Ryu Taikai in September. I must remember to bring plenty of Tiger Balm and hot/cold packs, they will come in handy!!! :erg:
It would seem most people are far less interested in the spiritual dimensions of our art than the physical exercise. Anyway, I can understand why it's hard to travel all the way to Ireland if you live on another continent alltogether. It's why I have to pass on the Taikai in canada. A shame, I really would have liked to go, but one cannot always have it as one wishes. Anyway, to somewhat balance my Amatsu tatara question: are there people here intending to go to the UK taikai in Brighton this fall? I guess that would make for a more plausible comparison.
If I can afford the Brighton Taikai (the obvious determining factor being $$$), as well as have enough time available from work, I'll see what I can do about attending. However, I also am trying to plan ahead for next year's Taikai and seminars, plus saving up for the 2011 Japan Taikai, so there's quite a bit of things to consider. We definitely have exciting times ahead for sure, and those of us who can make it to as many of these events as possible are truly blessed.