lol not sure if anyone is gunna get to this post, all hidden back on the 8'th page.
Anyway this thread kind of intresting thought id add my two cents.
alot of people keep throwing the word injured around....did she get injured? didn't sound like it, just got a hard hit. so what? napalm not being to bright thinks you should have run over to comfort her or see how shes doing.......i would have waited for her to get up, see if shes ok, then i would keep going.
First of all its her fault she got hit not yours....your not a plastic punchin bag your suposed to hit back.
second i find it kind of wierd that even though, as you described it, she was going at it pretty hard (or reasonably hard) she couldn't manage to hurt you (i could be mistaken) and was your knee the first hit in the "match"?
that seems kind of strange to me a BB being so easily defeated?(im kind of being sarcastic there lol)
anyway she should be thanking you for hitting her, you should do it more often, and from my impression you should hit her harder. shes a BB for gods sake! She has something like 10 years experience (if my memory serves me) WHY CANT SHE TAKE A HIT? (im sure she can.....probaly was a lucky or un-lucky hit however you want to look at it)
was she crying? or was it just a natural reflex from the hit? for me there's a difference, one is reasonable the other, for her level and experience is not.
sorry to say this, but you made the place you train at seem like a Pu@@y factory, where after 10 years of training you dance around feeling bad if you make any hard contact, and stop immediatly if someone shows signs of accualy feeling one ounce of pain from a strike. (perhaps i could have just said it doesn't seem like you train for reality) I meen after 10 years how much more intence should it get?
good job getting the girl, you must be a smooth guy. i hope it all works out well.
didn't mean to be to harsh, Its possible im missinturpreting what your saying. You seem like a good guy, who cares about his training partners.