am i to old

No, you're not too old!
In my school back home, I had the pleasure of teaching a gentleman who began his training at the age of 65 or so. We didn't go easy on him, and he didn't want us to. This man went to and entered tournaments, both kata and point sparring, and not often in senior divisions. THis isn't to say that I think going to tournaments really means much, but that this man went out and did things and wans't afraid to try anything.
He earned his black belt, and I mean he EARNED it, and began to help teach others.
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I started at 49 and it's the best thing I have ever done for myself for many reasons: I benefit physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have something else in common with my daughter. It's fun striving together.

About the physical part. The key is to push yourself yet pace yourself; don't try to keep up with the higher belts. You gain stamina and strength over time. I have more stamina than some of the teen boys/girls starting out. They can't keep up with me during one-on-one kicking. Last year, after only 5 months of training, I entered a competition and sparred against women younger than myself. In fact, one was 24. I placed second. (Boy, was I surprised, lol.) At 50 you may be slower but you can be more wily ;) Of course, if you want to, you can gain speed by practicing.

Learning wrist grips, forms, and one-step sparring combinations can be overwhelming. But that's great for the mind, builds new pathways in the brain.

Not enough can be said about weight-bearing exercise for keeping your bones strong. Not enough can be said regards intense exercise for lowering LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol. Not enough can be said about losing dangerous intraabdominal bodyfat.

I plan to be doing this forever.
don't wait,just do it! oh,and don't forget your attitude towards your approach,it is of the utmost importance! If you think negatively the resultant will be the same, no kidding.Trust me there are times I don't even want to get out of bed to go to work,especially on Mondays.If you do it,do it for someone other than yourself,you will see immediate results.I'm sure that Kid will totally dig what you are doing.Set the example, the rest will follow.....two cents...
You will always wish you had started earlier, I know I do, and I am only 22. Dont be afraid of being too old. Try it out, whats the worst that can happen
no. checkout the clip fromt the other day with the 83yearold lady that beats on a mugger.

aside from that though, it's not only about fighting and danger. all the fitness and stretching is quite health oriented. i say go for it.
Too late to start is when they plant you in the ground! Get in there and enjoy and trust what your body is telling you. Take it easy at firs! :highfive:

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