

MTS Alumni
I'm curious.

Suppose you have friend or aquaintence, maybe a co-worker.

You get along, maybe out of common ground, maybe because you can both benifit from mutual aid... whatever.

But... 6 months down the road...

Your "friend" comes to your home and steals your VCR. Or Beats up your neighbors kid, or tortures your cat... I dunno... somthing bad.

Are you "responsible" "bad" or "evil" for having been friends with that person?
No. You can't control the actions of another person. To blame yourself for something like that is kind of absurd IMO.

Now if you helped or something of the sort (Gave the idea, loaned some item that you knew might get the other party in trouble, etc), then that might be grounds for guilt, but otherwise, nah.
My answer would be no. I don't think we can hold ourselves responsible for the actions of others in this type of scenario. At any point in time, someone can go ballistic for no apparent reason........or maybe even for a reason.......but I don't see how that is some other person's fault. We all have our own conscious, no?

In other words.......I don't think being friends with someone makes you responsible for whatever they choose to do in life. If this were true, everything bad that was done to us by a friend or aquaintence would be our own fault. True, we have a choice on who we choose to befriend......but how are we ever to know what that friend/aquaintance will choose to do with his/her life?

Hope some of that made some sense!!

:asian: :karate:
If your buddy robs a bank and everyoneknows you were his buddy, doesn't that leave a stain on you as well. Kind of a guilt by association?

Rightly or wrongly, it still kinda does.
Technopunk said:
I'm curious.

Suppose you have friend or aquaintence, maybe a co-worker.

You get along, maybe out of common ground, maybe because you can both benifit from mutual aid... whatever.

But... 6 months down the road...

Your "friend" comes to your home and steals your VCR. Or Beats up your neighbors kid, or tortures your cat... I dunno... somthing bad.

Are you "responsible" "bad" or "evil" for having been friends with that person?

Nice metaphor... :asian:

But it doesn't fully explain the situation in question. Perhaps we should note that the "friend" provided the "friend" in question with the ideals, the means, and the financial backing to do the evil deeds. Who is responsible now?
upnorthkyosa said:
Nice metaphor... :asian:

But it doesn't fully explain the situation in question. Perhaps we should note that the "friend" provided the "friend" in question with the ideals, the means, and the financial backing to do the evil deeds. Who is responsible now?

But, that is taking my scenario out of context... If for example, I sold my friend a gun and he robs a bank with it, then yes, I would think I made a bad choice... :asian:
Technopunk said:
But, that is taking my scenario out of context... If for example, I sold my friend a gun and he robs a bank with it, then yes, I would think I made a bad choice... :asian:

Perhaps. :asian:

Did the friend in question sell the other friend in question a weapon?
Personally, if I have a friend and I find that they have behaved in an unbecoming way (girlspeak for the kinds of things you mentioned, Techno), I am no longer friends with that person and wouldn't dream of selling them a weapon, kitchen appliance, car, or used diaper.

Guilt by association carries heavier than one might think.
I owuld say that it doesn't make you a bad person, but if you do not make some attempt to fix the situation, you would then be lesser than you were before. You should not stand idely by because he is your friend, that would be bad
Technopunk said:
Are you "responsible" "bad" or "evil" for having been friends with that person?
Absolutely not. We make decisions and choices based on the best information we have available. If new information becomes available, we should have the ability to review this new information, review our decisions and choices based on new evidence, and take new courses of action. Upon evaluation of this new evidence, we become responsible for our continuing actions.

I'm curious why you titled this thread 'Allies...' ?
Stole my vcr, the insurance company will pay.
Beat up the kid next door, knowing that little brat I would probably help him.
Tortured my cat, my cat can look after herself, and if not I have a Katana, a shovel and a BIG garden.

Seriously though in answer to the question of responsibility, no one is responsible for anothers actions. :samurai:

michaeledward said:
I'm curious why you titled this thread 'Allies...' ?
Me too.

Is Al Cowlings a bad or evil or guilty person for driving OJ around LA 7 days after he murdered two people?

This Mark Hacking person in Utah? Are all his in-laws bad or evil for initally sticking up for him (before the truth came out?)

I think if you knew your friend was planning to do something like rob a store or steal a VCR and you said or did nothing, that would be a different story.

michaeledward said:
I'm curious why you titled this thread 'Allies...' ?


To get people to read it...


Seriously... this thread is not going anywhere, or leading up to anything...

I just wanted my own curiosity about peoples opinions satiated.

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