all Memorial University of Newfoundland dojos...


Senior Master
(MUN) are getting kicked out of our training room! we learned at shotokan karate last week that the bunch at MUN University will be taking our Combat Room in the pys ed building and turning it into a lecture room for courses. It sucks! Esepcially with all the obesity issues, heart disease diabetes and so on, they're gonna kick all university dojos including our own out of that room at our university! It affects all the MA's who train there from judo to aikido to shotokan to god knows who else. so we gotta find somewhere else to train. what the expletive! those meatheads are after money they know if they can make a new lecture room they can get more students which means more money.

sensei already mentioned to us about a petition and going on radio on open line shows and media and such. I also posted about it on fb and one of my friends is very big in the university political circle and politics in general. we considered like creating a fb group too maybe about it.
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I am sorry for the loss of your school but one great thing about the martial arts is the fact that it can be done anywhere ask your teacher if he would be willing to teach outside or find out about your local gym to see if they have the space there.
Is there someplace else in the university where you can train? When I attended college we had Aikido, aerobics, and similar sorts of activities in an ordinary classroom.
Are the classes official parts of the school, like recognized clubs in the Student Activities or Extracurricular programs? Or just things that happen to go on at the school? If you're not part of the recognized program -- you have limited recourse. Even then -- the school has every right to use it's classrooms for classes. But the Student Activities Committee (or whatever it's called) may be able to advocate for gym access or other facilities.
Hearing this makes me sad...MUN has an excellent combat room from what I remember and I'm surprised it would be turned into a lecture hall. MUN Judo will most likely have something to say about this, as well, have you contacted them? TKD NL doesn't use it so I don't have much personal involvement with this but it still sucks.
Hearing this makes me sad...MUN has an excellent combat room from what I remember and I'm surprised it would be turned into a lecture hall. MUN Judo will most likely have something to say about this, as well, have you contacted them? TKD NL doesn't use it so I don't have much personal involvement with this but it still sucks.

Their combat room is excellent, I have simply loved training there over the past year and five months i've been studying my martial art. I love evrything the room, the people (well except a certain sandan but i dont have to talk to him) the senseis, Shotokan Karate, everything. :)

There is a community center which has a lovely room too but it is much smaller and wouldnt fit all the members of our dojo in it for good training. We'd probably end up moving there if we can get it for twice a week instead of just once a week as we do now. Still good to train in though. so there maybe hope for us :)