Alamo City Kenpo Clinic

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Originally posted by bahenlaura

You know what you have done! You try to cover your actions by cute come backs and funny smart *** remarks. However the truth remains unchanged. You are a what you are, sad but true.
Now, that is Nuff said.

Good Luck with your MTV video testing and all that.




So what exactly is your point with these posts Burt, my curiosity is piqued?

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by GouRonin
That does look pretty stupid @ss of me.

I have not heard back from either of the 2 gentlemen I e-mailed. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was cancelled. Will it be later? I actually also wanted to meet Mr. LaBounty finally.

I might have trouble making the end of February seminar. Is there a number I can call to register and find out more? Thanx Jason.

Kirk posted the info on this very board, I bumped it for you...

jb :asian:
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
So what exactly is your point with these posts Burt, my curiosity is piqued?

Have a great Kenpo day


Rut Row, the desert yeti has awaken..:erg:

I don't think he meant anything, MTV is on the East Coast and no where near Pasadena..:D

Originally posted by GouRonin

Re: Alamo City Kenpo Clinic,

I have e-mailed Misters Todd Compton and Craig Dishmon. I will be sending in a deposit on a single day fee for the seminar for the Saturday, May 10th/2003.

We will discuss our issues after the seminar.

You've made your intentions clear, and what you think about it.
Why even bother going further? My instructor wouldn't allow
what I had in mind, let alone what YOU had in mind. It is going
to be rescheduled, but don't bother spending your money. How's
about we just stay away from each other. There's no need for
either one of us to bother replying to each other's posts, yet
participate in the same threads.
Yes. Mr. Dishmon informed me today. I am on the list for notification when it is rescheduled.

I never blew my top and called you out because you don't like my opinion. The insults don't bother me. Heck I'm always up for a good hacking session. But you could have always e-mailed, PM'ed, or phoned me to work this out and you chose to do none. Billy, whom I disagreed with, managed to do all 3.

I very much understand you not wanting to travel to a different country to a strange school and bring your challenge. So I will attend the Alamo City Kenpo Clinic and you can have your "chance at the title." If need be I will contact your teacher and explain the challenge you laid down for me and he can decide if he wants to have your "Honourable Brawl in a controlled atmosphere," in his school. I am waiting to hear back to see if a friend of mine will let me use his Dojo should you wish to come up here.

You have 2 choices. 1) You can come here, (or I go there to settle this at some point in time), or 2) you can apologize for jumping my ship. I might even apologize for hurting your feelings. Stranger things have happened.

The choice is yours but this isn't kindergarden where they will put us on seperate mats and tell us not to bother each other. That option ended when you called me out. I really enjoyed talking to you about many things but I'm leaving this decision up to you as to what direction you want this to go in.
You chose to take something said in private, amongst ourselves,
and blow it all out of proportion to make it look like I said
something, or acted in a certain way, to make me look stupid.
Why on earth would I want to ever discuss anything with you
again, given your track record? You'd just take that, twist it
into some kind of ridicule at me to make yourself look big, and
then we'd be right here anyways.

You came under a flag of friendship, and then threw that out the
window with your insults, just to make yourself look good. Ask
around, you've done it to others ... plenty of times.

Funny how you wouldn't show up before, when I asked you as a
friend to come. You couldn't afford it back then, and you'd already seen all these seniors, and kenpo sucks and blah blah
blah. I'll go with option 1.

Don't forget the Huk seminar at the end of the month.

During your stay I invite to visit our luxurious downtown setting,
and our many "ballets" :rolleyes: , whilst copping your little
attitude there. I think you'll enjoy the experience.
Alright then. My only problem now is that my wife just told me that she'd better get a second honeymoon before I run off to Texas or she'll beat me with a baseball bat in my sleep. So the Huk seminar at end of the month is out. You make a good point. I did not want to go before as I am short on cash and this is not a trip that I need to make. So looking at that, I will have to eat a bit of crow and say that until I find the date of the clinic I'll have to wait.

Again, you seem to have trouble reading. I never said Kenpo sucks. Just the politics.

Option number one it is. I will let you know when I have found a place and you can come on up for your shot at the title.
Kirk, I consider you a long distance friend. Gou, I have enjoyed your prickly sense of humor on occasion and outspokeness, hmmm... sorta like Kirk.

This crap has to stop. If either of you were my student, high ranking or not, you would either be on probation for throwing the attitudes around in public, or out the door. You do not do service to your instructor or the Art by continuing this in public.

I am formally requesting a stop to this. Take it off line at least! It may entertain some watching this, but it just embaresses me as someone who respects both of you.

-Michael Billings
Senior Instructor in the Art
Guys, take it off board.

I'm seconding Mr. Billings request.

This thread is now locked. If anyone wishes to create a new one focusing on the original topic of this thread (or the reschedualed date as I believe this even was canceled) please do so.

But leave the bickering out of it.

Thank you.
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