Al-Quaeda Puddy Tats


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
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I just dropped off my cats this morning for shipping to my mother in Oregon. What an adventure! The airline national rep misdirected me to drop them off at an office that was locked, gated, and dark. So I missed the deadline to arrive at the correct office by a good twenty minutes. Then I had to stand in line at the ticket counter for another 10 minutes. The national rep also told me that a photocopy of their health records would be fine ... nope. After a blizzard of phone calls they agreed to take them in spite of these discrepancies.

"Okay ma'm, we'll have to take them out to inspect the crates."

"That's fine, but could we do it in a small enclosed space? If they take off we'll never find them."

"We'll have to take them out to inspect the crates for contraband."

"I respect that. I just want to do that in a small room for the cats' safety so they don't take off and disappear."

"Ma'am, we'll have to take them out of the crates to inspect them for contraband."

"I understand. Could we please do it in a small room? If they take off we'll be looking for them all day."

[Incredulous look] "Can't you just hold on to them?"

"Cats are really squirmy and hard to hold on to. Especially when they're scared."

"We'll need to take them out to inspect the crates."


Thankfully, at this point another agent stopped by, all smiles, and pointed to a back office for inspection. The room was loaded with a random assortment of stacked boxes and loose wires. (?) In other words, a virtual rainforest of guerrilla hidey holes for a freaked-out cat. But it was much smaller than a quarter-mile ticketing area. When I opened the first crate, my 20 year old tried to force her way past me in a panic. The first agent jumped back with a frightened gasp. That explained a couple things ... Agent #2 asked her if she was afraid of cats. Yeah, she said, she had a bad experience with cats as a child. I showed her my 5-pounder and her little blue Soft Paws claw condoms. The agent never totally relaxed, but after that Chick Bonding Moment she was much more polite. Cat Two went much more smoothly - he's a hardcore alpha and completely fearless, so he sat calmly in my arms until I put him back in.

It's one major hurdle crossed in my final Moving Week, and I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about it - very stressful dealing with security wonks, but rather peculiar at the same time. Now I just get to worry until I know they arrived in one piece. Gawd bless America.
Cats can be rather suspicious you know.... look at the whole Salem Witch trial thing and the Witches Museum in Salem Mass' emblem :D

Not wanting to profile here but they stopped my 5 foot tall mother-in-law from China who is in her early 70s because she had a box of Chinese cookies,. However the 6 foot6 inch 20 something Middle Eastern man carrying a back pack was apparently no problem at all. They also liked to stop my cousin who is tall thin and blond at every single airport she went to.... apparently young, tall, thin blond woman are terrorist suspects too.
Cats can be rather suspicious you know.... look at the whole Salem Witch trial thing and the Witches Museum in Salem Mass' emblem :D

Not wanting to profile here but they stopped my 5 foot tall mother-in-law from China who is in her early 70s because she had a box of Chinese cookies,. However the 6 foot6 inch 20 something Middle Eastern man carrying a back pack was apparently no problem at all. They also liked to stop my cousin who is tall thin and blond at every single airport she went to.... apparently young, tall, thin blond woman are terrorist suspects too.

Would you rather stop a big Arab with the possibility of having to do actual work or a pretty blonde that you can chat with for a few minutes? Come on, Xue! And everyone knows about those Chinese cookies, right? RIGHT?

The illusion of security..

I so feel your pain. When I was stationed in Florida and Texas, I flew home for the holidays. Usually a 2 week trip. I didnt have anyone to take care of my cat, so he went with me. I took him in the cabin as a carry on. And everytime, I had to take him out of the cat/bag (aka let the cat out the bag) and holding him as We walked through the medal detector, in the middle of the airport, with hundreds of people around, bells, buttons and chimes, loud intercomms, security yelling to remove medal objects to people waiting in line..... all the while trying to hold a FREEKED OUT, CLAW WEILDING 30 LB CAT. I was always terrified he would get loose and bail on me. Can you see the news now,
"Owner gets locked up for crossing security lines while chasing beloved cat through airport causing airport lockdown and massive delays"

After doing this routine for 9 years, I am so glad those days are over now. I live an hour away from my parents now and can leave him home for 2 days alone, or have people to feed him if I'm gone longer. His flying days are over much to my and his relief.
And everyone knows about those Chinese cookies, right? RIGHT? ..

I once found a Ninja star inside my fortune cookie.... killed 3 people with it before loosing it.... funny just before that another cookie said I was about to loose something...
Fist of Mohammed, code name "Maggie"


Blood Flower of Jihad, code name "Dammit"


If you see either of these characters, contact the FBI immediately.
I just dropped off my cats this morning for shipping to my mother in Oregon. What an adventure! The airline national rep misdirected me to drop them off at an office that was locked, gated, and dark. So I missed the deadline to arrive at the correct office by a good twenty minutes. Then I had to stand in line at the ticket counter for another 10 minutes. The national rep also told me that a photocopy of their health records would be fine ... nope. After a blizzard of phone calls they agreed to take them in spite of these discrepancies.

"Okay ma'm, we'll have to take them out to inspect the crates."

"That's fine, but could we do it in a small enclosed space? If they take off we'll never find them."

"We'll have to take them out to inspect the crates for contraband."

"I respect that. I just want to do that in a small room for the cats' safety so they don't take off and disappear."

"Ma'am, we'll have to take them out of the crates to inspect them for contraband."

"I understand. Could we please do it in a small room? If they take off we'll be looking for them all day."

[Incredulous look] "Can't you just hold on to them?"

"Cats are really squirmy and hard to hold on to. Especially when they're scared."

"We'll need to take them out to inspect the crates."


Thankfully, at this point another agent stopped by, all smiles, and pointed to a back office for inspection. The room was loaded with a random assortment of stacked boxes and loose wires. (?) In other words, a virtual rainforest of guerrilla hidey holes for a freaked-out cat. But it was much smaller than a quarter-mile ticketing area. When I opened the first crate, my 20 year old tried to force her way past me in a panic. The first agent jumped back with a frightened gasp. That explained a couple things ... Agent #2 asked her if she was afraid of cats. Yeah, she said, she had a bad experience with cats as a child. I showed her my 5-pounder and her little blue Soft Paws claw condoms. The agent never totally relaxed, but after that Chick Bonding Moment she was much more polite. Cat Two went much more smoothly - he's a hardcore alpha and completely fearless, so he sat calmly in my arms until I put him back in.

It's one major hurdle crossed in my final Moving Week, and I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about it - very stressful dealing with security wonks, but rather peculiar at the same time. Now I just get to worry until I know they arrived in one piece. Gawd bless America.

LOL, TSA strikes again.
Flea, Best name for a cat Ever!!!!!! " Dammit"

Both my poodles have been called " Poodle" , Creative huh?

An old girlfriend of mine had a full-sized poodle (the ones originally bred for duck hunting) named Puddles. I wish I`d known that before I let it in my car. *sigh*
Ahhhh David, Poodle #2 secret weapon if you scare her, ignore her, piss her off, or make her wait is the mighty Poodle Puddle or her taste for Italian leather (shoes, purses, belts). I feel your pain.

It would have been fun to watch Flea run through the Airport yelling "Dammit . . . . . .Dammit? . . . . . DAMMIT? Where Are You? DaaaaammmmmiiiiTTTTTTTT???.

Flea, Best name for a cat Ever!!!!!! " Dammit"

Both my poodles have been called " Poodle" , Creative huh?


Lori, he completely named himself. He was a pathological biter and gravity-tester as a kitten. Then one night I woke up from a deep sleep to find he had inserted an entire toe-pad in my nostril and was flailing around with a fully extended claw inside my sinus.

I must have been a complete idiot for keeping him after that, but I adore his keen intelligence and majestic alphatude. That, and he walks all over my border collie. It's pretty funny.
Flea, he would have been a test pilot and been named "HOLY FU NKY``had he pulled that stunt on me.

Oh, he was. I just don't like to say so because I'm not proud of it.

On a brighter note, I just got a call from my Mum saying they both arrived in fine (if slightly malodorous) shape. The matriarch, just diagnosed with major kidney issues, was plowing through all her kibble and oblivious to the world.

And here I was worried!
So they àrrived Stinking High with a wicked case of the munchies huh. You are very good to you kitties, too bad Dammit has tried to kill you in the past. Ingratè.

Lori, that was absolutely perfect. And on that note, I retire to my sadly but temporarily catless bed.
