Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

It's kinda sad that a thread about one of the most prestigious recognitions on our planet, on a topic that affects the entire planet, gets brought to a discussion about two homes.

Again, Mr. Gore, and the team Recognized by the Nobel Committee have behaved as leaders on a topic desperately needing leadership.

If I was a drinker, I'd be raising a glass to all of them.

Well Done, Mr. Gore. Well Done!
A couple of random thoughts ...

What does my political orientation have to do with the awarding of Nobel Prizes?

What does Mr. Bush's residence in Texas have to do with the awarding of Nobel prizes?

A couple of more thoughts.

When was President Bush's ranch built and compare that to when Mr. Gore's home was built.

What is the carbon footprint required to get Mr. Bush to his ranch?
It has nothing to do w/the awarding of Nobel prizes. It has everything to do with your comment about the rich deserving living in big houses, flying private planes around telling us poor people that we should ride our bikes to work in January below zero temps (the riding the bike in Iowan winter is a slight exaguration).

Personally I'm happy for Gore winning the prize for Global warming, like I was for Carter who brought peace to the middle east...

However, the is no peace in the middle east and there is something fundamentally wrong with Gore; recall the televised debate wherein he refused to follow the rules that he helped set, saying "this is more important than rules." The man exhibits prime ego and a messiah complex big enough to be the next best hope for world dictator.

However, I am glad he's been awarded the Nobel prize and I'm glad he's committed to saving the world from global warming. On the other hand, I see no good reason for the natural process of selection to be halted -- it might be time for humans to become extinct and for nature to try something more viable. The dinosaurs didn't destroy their own world like we're apparently doing. Geologically speaking, it wouldn't take that long for the effects of humans upon the earth to be eliminated.
Folks, it's just the Nobel Peace Prize.

Maybe there was a time in the past when those used to mean something, but back when it got to the point they gave one to Arafat, that was kinda the red flag that at some point between then and now they started GIVIN' em away.
It has nothing to do w/the awarding of Nobel prizes. It has everything to do with your comment about the rich deserving living in big houses, flying private planes around telling us poor people that we should ride our bikes to work in January below zero temps (the riding the bike in Iowan winter is a slight exaguration).

Personally I'm happy for Gore winning the prize for Global warming, like I was for Carter who brought peace to the middle east...

However, the is no peace in the middle east and there is something fundamentally wrong with Gore; recall the televised debate wherein he refused to follow the rules that he helped set, saying "this is more important than rules." The man exhibits prime ego and a messiah complex big enough to be the next best hope for world dictator.

However, I am glad he's been awarded the Nobel prize and I'm glad he's committed to saving the world from global warming. On the other hand, I see no good reason for the natural process of selection to be halted -- it might be time for humans to become extinct and for nature to try something more viable. The dinosaurs didn't destroy their own world like we're apparently doing. Geologically speaking, it wouldn't take that long for the effects of humans upon the earth to be eliminated.

Ray, there is a treaty of peace among Israel and Egypt. Although it has proven costly for Americans.

And, the apparent sarcasm in your last paragraph, well, I'm just trying to reconcile that with you standing before your creator; 'Geesh, your Almighty, you gave us a nice planet, and we F'd it up. How was your day?'.

Andrew Green, just wonderin' here, but if they are just handin' them out, do you got yours?

Cruentus, do any of these comments look, if not like libel, cheap shots?
Folks, it's just the Nobel Peace Prize.

Maybe there was a time in the past when those used to mean something, but back when it got to the point they gave one to Arafat, that was kinda the red flag that at some point between then and now they started GIVIN' em away.

lol. Good point. THey sort of lost credability when they gave one to Arafat!
Al Gore being given even partial credit is just further proof that the Nobel is less and less relevant. For me it lost all credibility after being awarded to Jimmy Carter and to Yassir Arafat. :barf:
:shakes head:

You see, there is a reason why I've gone quiet recently and that is that it is actually not possible to have an intelligent and reasonable discussion about anything above the level of the trivial on the internet.

I've read through the above string of posts with increasing disbelief at the manner in which any topic can be twisted to belittle and render irrelevant the core issues that caused the topic to be raised in the first place.

Yes, much of any subject is going to be based on personal opinion but there is no reason not to be pleasant or even handed about things. It seems every thread I look at these days is polarised into Left and Right (worse still, it's American Left and Right, so I care even less) ...

If anyone has a question about Japanese swordsmanship (or a direct question on anything asking for my opinion) then I'll be glad to get involved but from now on enjoy talking at each other and not listening to a word each other says {click ... static}.

P.S. yes, I am tired and thus prone to over-reaction and snippetyness but I do feel that people in general need to reassess how they are interacting here. Not so many months ago it was a pleasant place to be; now not so much.
Listening to the back and forth on Bush and Gore, I can't help but think that in the age of instant information, anyone can be a hero or a hypocrite. Gore scores points for his commitment to environmental awareness; he loses points for having an energy-gobbling house. Bush has shown no real interest in the issue at policy level that I can tell; his ranch is an environmental Xanadu.

What's interesting, though, is that often people end up talking about the messenger and not the message.

But I do wish Albert would fix up his house.
Ive always taken issue with people that have their own airplanes telling the "little people" like me that I should drive less. Its the hallmark of socialism/communism, the "leaders" live like kings and horde power under the guise of helping the pesants all live "equally".
Ive always taken issue with people that have their own airplanes telling the "little people" like me that I should drive less. Its the hallmark of socialism/communism, the "leaders" live like kings and horde power under the guise of helping the pesants all live "equally".

Can't help but wonder who you're talking about?

Mr. Gore flies commercial whenever possible. Doesn't own an airplane.
The Nobel Prize has become more about political statement or forwarding an adgenda than it is about recognizing an individuals accomplishments forwarding "peace".
We are each entitled to our opinion.

The Nobel Peace Prize is, however, quite probably the world's most prominent recognition. Mr. Gore has demonstrated leadership on this topic. And is duly recognized.

One wonders if some of these broad sweeping statements (condemnations) made about the Nobel Peace Prize this year, were uttered, and believed last year, when the recognition went to a man who created 'micro-loans' for impoverished neighborhoods.
We are each entitled to our opinion.

The Nobel Peace Prize is, however, quite probably the world's most prominent recognition. Mr. Gore has demonstrated leadership on this topic. And is duly recognized.

One wonders if some of these broad sweeping statements (condemnations) made about the Nobel Peace Prize this year, were uttered, and believed last year, when the recognition went to a man who created 'micro-loans' for impoverished neighborhoods.
That guy and his bank had nothing to do with peace either, be honest.
Can't help but wonder who you're talking about?

Mr. Gore flies commercial whenever possible. Doesn't own an airplane.
Own, no fly on, yes! Just last month he flew into Camarillo CA which, btw, doesn't have a commercial airport... There is film of this.
He could have flown commercial into LAX or John Wayne... Shoot, he could have gotten off the plane and into a Prius or other hybrid, but, NO, he got into a town car.
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I was making more of a general statement ( i could have said "a fleet of cars" as easily). I dont really know what Al has. I have heard he isnt so "green" in his lifestyle.

I have read that he buys his own "carbon offsets" from a company he owns.

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