I know this is a very old thread, and for that I apologize, but I wanted to make it known that Shorinji Toraken Ryu is no joke regardless of what one might say about the lineage. Though I've never met Dr. Cherry himself, my sensei, Doni Pulley is very professional, and very respectful, as well as respectable. As for the curriculum, It is very solid. It has elements, of Jujutsu with it's many joint locks, pressure points, and submissions. It has a high stance for quick mobility. It employs circular movements as well as linear. It involves aspects of newaza (ground fighting), and involves weapons. The class has a good attitude, and sensei will not raise up bullies, as they get weeded out early. I've watched the children's class, and they are very well behaved, and show each other respect. In a nutshell, it is a very well rounded fighting system that would be quite effective in a self defense application. This is definitely not for sport. Perhaps the only critique would be that it takes hard work and a long time to fully comprehend the entire system.....
Just 2 cents from someone who actually attends the classes