There's significant debate of whether Daito-ryu is koryu. Outside of koryu, most folks don't really focus on "Jutsu" versus "do". The name doesn't tell most consumers much until they hear it explained and/or see it performed. Someone who knows enough to know the difference, will likely see the difference as soon as they step in the school. So there's little chance of it being misleading to anyone.Which goes back to the original statement:
"Yoshinkai is not Aikijujutsu but Aikido, A harder version perhaps but still Aikido." I really hate to be a stickler, but someone who does koryu arts there is a big difference in feeling vs how a gendai art is done. It really isn't fair or accurate to Vince or other people looking for legit Aikijujutsu to think that Yoshinkai is in fact Aikijujutsu.