Aiki Expo 2005 in Los Angeles, May 27-29

Rick Fine

White Belt
An Invitation to attend Aiki Expo 2005, the martial arts event of the year!

The staff of Aikido Journal would like to cordially invite members of martial arts community at large to attend Aiki Expo 2005 to be held May 27-29, 2005 at the Sport Complex of California State University Dominguez Hills in Los Angeles, California. The university is located approximately 30 minutes from Los Angeles International Airport and is easily accesible from most points in North America and Japan.

This year's lineup of instructors is impressive indeed:

Christian Tisser, 7th dan Aikikai, Paris, France
Hiroshi Ikeda, 7th dan Aikikai, Boulder, Colorado
Mikhail Ryabko, Founder of "The System," Moscow, Russia
Vladimir Vasiliev, Instructor of "The System," Toronto, Canada
Katsuyuki Kondo, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Hombu-cho
Roger Machado, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Hitohiro Saito, Iwama Aikido, son and successor of Morihiro Saito
Kenji Ushiro, Shihan, Shindo-ryu Karate, Osaka, Japan
Dang Thong Phong, 6th dan Aikikai, Westminster, California
James Williams, Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho, Encinitas, California
Toby Threadgill, Shindo Yoshin Ryu Menkyo Kaiden, Evergreen, Colorado
Seiji Tanaka, 8th dan, Tomiki Aikido
Koji Yoshida, 7th dan, Nishio Aikido
Bill Gleason, 6th dan, Aikikai
Bruce Bookman, 6th dan, Tenzan Aikido
Pat Hendricks, 6th dan, Iwama Aikido
Gaku Homma, Founder of Nippon Kan
Haruo Matsuoka, 5th dan Aikikai, direct student of Steven Seagal and Seiseki Abe
Patrick Augé, 7th dan Yoseikan Budo
Julio Toribio, Seibukan Jujutsu
Ellis Amdur, Araki Ryu and Toda-ha Buko Ryu
Todd Jones, 7th dan TaeKwonDo, 5th dan Aikikai
James Nakayama, 6th dan Aikikai
John Goss, 6th dan Korindo Aikido
George Ledyard, 6th dan Aikikai (ASU)
David Dye, Shuyokan Ryu Aikido
Kayla Feder, 6th dan Aikikai
Molly Hale,
Todd Jones, 5th dan Aikikai
Dr. Lynn Seiser, Ph.D., MFT
Jose Andrade, 6th dan IMAF
Henry Oshiro, Orange County Aikikai

The event will be of great interest to participants of Aikido, Russian Systema, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Koryu arts. It take place in sunny sourthern California, a true mecca of the martial arts.

The facility to be used for the Aiki Expo consists of some 27,000 square feet that will be divided up into various size mat sections to accomodate the seminars to be conducted. For this reason, we will soon have an interface to allow attendees to select their preferences from among the numerous sessions on the schedule.

Those of you who have attended or read about previous Aiki Expos will know that the purpose of the event is to bring together a large number of top instructors and enthusiastic practitioners in the same place at the same time. The Expo is an inspiring event which will give you immediate and easy access to some of the world's top martial arts talent. You will encounter hundreds of advanced practitioners and enthusiasts from all over the world with whom you can train and converse in a congenial setting.

We will be providing a steady stream of information and announcements as the event approaches that will help familiarize yourself will the talented instructor lineup that will be on hand at the Expo to instruct and inspire those of you attending.

To find out more information about Aiki Expo 2005 and to preregister, please click here.

See you in Los Angeles in May!

Stanley Pranin
Editor-in-chief, Aikido Journal

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