Ah ha! now it comes out....

I have the advantage of seeing a 2 hour seminar on Stooge Fu every Saturay night on one of my local stations. The highlight of my week. You can never go wrong with the classics. All the best, Steve
Doc said:
You're kidding right. Wayans is a partial art. All kicks and a sport, not real fighting.

Any of the Wayans could defeat any of the Stooges in "Last Comic Standing". And the argument that Stooge Fu is better with multiple comedians doesn't hold water either. If you can't defeat one comedian, how could you defeat many.

P.S. Of course I'm kidding!
If you're looking for something more esoteric, try Carlin-ryu.
Begin with the Seven Words You Used To Not Be Able To Say On Television.
Not a physically impressive art, but rich in internal development.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
Man you Kenpo guys are living in the past! Stooge-Fu is old school.

Haven't you seen the undefeatable comedy of the Wayans brothers? You must experience it first hand to understand it's power. One of the guys who trained with them even won an Academy Award. Get with the times!
I suppose they are from Brazil as well .... right?

:jedi1: :-popcorn: :uhyeah:
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
Man you Kenpo guys are living in the past! Stooge-Fu is old school.

Haven't you seen the undefeatable comedy of the Wayans brothers? You must experience it first hand to understand it's power. One of the guys who trained with them even won an Academy Award. Get with the times!
Hey that's what I was saying all along, they are the modern day masters of Stooge Fu...
Goldendragon7 said:
I suppose they are from Brazil as well .... right?

:jedi1: :-popcorn: :uhyeah:

No, but I bet they all trained at the same house where they spent a lot of time rolling around on the floor, and went around teasing the heck out of people on the street.
Doc said:
That's my story - and I'm sticking to it. I have never been inspired that way ---------- well I did have a dream or two ----------- and did did go to the zoo once. Ummmmmm. Let me get back to you.
Sounds like a country song